He met Padre Pio as a child and has always been by his side ever since

This is the story of Vito Simonetti a 74-year-old man residing in Gioia del Colle. In this article we will retrace his experience dating back to November 2022, when the man went on a pilgrimage with his wife Maria to San Giovanni Rotondo.

Padre Pio

At that time in Gioia del Colle, Margherita Capodiferro, spiritual daughter of Padre Pio was the organizer of trips to San Giovanni Rotondo. She left at night to arrive at the place in time for the Holy mass that Padre Pio organized on the square of the church. The square of the small church was crowded with people. Everyone waited in silence for the arrival of the friar from Pietralcina while the friars prepared the altar and everything needed for the celebration.

The memories of Vito Simonetti linked to Padre Pio

The first time Padre Pio celebrated mass outdoors was on June 6 1954. Vito recalls that in a pilgrimage in which he participated, when the doors of the church were opened, all the faithful hurried to reach the side seats. His mother explained that they were the best places to see the hands of Padre Pio. In fact, at the end of the ceremony, the friar of Pietralcina yes he took off his gloves and the liturgical parameters and sat in recollection.

friar of Pietralcina

When he got up and went to the exit, all the faithful tried to greet him and approach him. On that occasion, Padre Pio placed the hand on his head and he addressed him with the word “guagliò”.

A high memory of Vito is linked to the morning of 26 September 1968. On that day, as she normally did to go to school, she headed for the station. There she noticed that in the kiosk used for the sale of newspapers, there was the newspaper that reported on the front page the news of the death of Padre Pio. At that moment she felt a pain in her heart, something strong and deep.

At that moment Padre Pio became part of his life and every time she turned to him for anintercession for his loved ones or family members, the friar of Pietralcina has always been close to him, accepting his prayers and requests.