Knowledge, wisdom and power of our Guardian Angel

Angels have an intelligence and power immensely superior to human. They know all the forces, attitudes, laws of created things. There is no science unknown to them; there is no language they unknown, etc. The lesser of the angels knows more than all men know they were all scientists.

Their knowledge does not undergo the laborious discursive process of human knowledge, but proceeds by intuition. Their knowledge is likely to increase without any effort and is safe from any mistake.

The science of the Angels is extraordinarily perfect, but it always remains limited: they cannot know the secret of the future which depends exclusively on divine will and human freedom. They cannot know, without us wanting it, our intimate thoughts, the secret of our hearts, which only God can penetrate. They cannot know the mysteries of divine Life, of Grace and supernatural order, without a particular revelation made to them by God.

They have extraordinary power. For them, a planet is like a toy for children, or like a ball for boys.

They have an unspeakable beauty, just mention that St. John the Evangelist (Rev. 19,10 and 22,8) at the sight of an Angel, was so dazzled by the splendor of his beauty that he prostrated himself on the ground to worship him, believing he saw majesty of God.

The Creator does not repeat himself in his works, he does not create beings in series, but one different from the other. As no two people have the same physiognomy

and the same qualities of soul and body, so there are no two Angels who have the same degree of intelligence, wisdom, power, beauty, perfection, etc., but one is different from the other.