Consecrated every day to Divine Mercy with this prayer

Consecration to Divine Mercy

God, Merciful Father, who revealed Your love in Your Son Jesus Christ, and poured it out on us in the Holy Comforter Spirit, we entrust to you today the destinies of the world and of every man. Bend over us sinners, heal our weakness, defeat all evil, make all the inhabitants of the earth experience Your Mercy, so that in You, God One and Triune, they will always find the source of hope. Eternal Father, for the painful Passion and Resurrection of Your Son, have mercy on us and the whole world. Amen.

(John Paul II)

Prayers to Divine Mercy

O most clement God, Father of Divine Mercies and God of all consolation,

that not you that nobody perishes of your believers who hope in You, turn your gaze on us

and multiply your Mercies according to the multitude of your pitys, so that,

even in the greatest calamities of this life, we do not abandon ourselves to despair but,

always confident, we submit to your Will, which is the same as your Mercy.

For Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Holy Trinity, infinite Mercy, I trust and hope in You!

Holy Trinity, infinite mercy,

in the impenetrable Light of the Father who loves and creates;

Holy Trinity, infinite mercy,

in the Face of the Son who is the Word that gives itself;

Holy Trinity, infinite mercy,

in the burning Fire of the Spirit that gives life.

Holy Trinity, infinite Mercy, I trust and hope in You!

You who gave yourself entirely to me, make me give everything to You:

bear witness to Your love,

in Christ my Brother, my Redeemer and my King.

Holy Trinity, infinite Mercy, I trust and hope in You!