Precious advice of Don Pasqualino Fusco, exorcist priest



1. Magic rite never confessed (even if it was done just for fun or as kids);

2. Some serious sin not yet confessed, which one does not want to confess or of which one does not want to repent and does not want to ask God for forgiveness;

3. Some covenant with Satan (or other form of bond with the Devil) made to have something from him and that hides from his parents or spouse (and from the exorcist priest!) So as not to discover the thing.


The prayer that the demons who disturb women who have had the abortion cannot bear the Act of Pain recited 10 times in a row, on their knees. (It is recommended to do this prayer several times a day).


1 - It has already been seen that even with the phone it is possible to download the designated victim of the evil waves. We defend ourselves very well from this trap (since we do not know who is calling us) by reciting the prayer to San Michele when the phone rings (and before saying in the ... handset: "ready") and closing immediately if nobody answers or if they hear sighs, weird and raucous laughter or the like.

2 - In particularly serious cases it may happen that the devil blocks a person's mouth to prevent him from receiving Holy Communion. In this case, before receiving the SS. Eucharist take a few sips of holy water (to be kept in a small bottle at hand or in your purse) by reciting some prayers and everything will be settled.

3 - Attend the Holy Mass with fervor! Many are in church just to ... warm up the counter! Also prepare yourselves with special prayers to receive Jesus in the Holy Host. Then, after receiving Holy Communion, give due thanks on your knees to the Son of God who has come to you. That is the most suitable moment to pray to him intensely and ask Him to free you from the demonic presences, since you have the Lord heart to heart in you! How coldly so many people show that, after having made the Holy Communion, they go to their places and sit without worshiping and thanking him who the universe cannot contain and who is then alive and true in them! No wonder therefore if they don't get liberated.

4 - Always pray on your knees! Standing up (especially in church before the Blessed Sacrament or during the recitation of the rosary) is a serious lack of respect and humility towards the Lord! Also pray above all with your heart! How many people do not get liberated from diabolical ailments Because they pray only with their lips, but they have a heart far from God and his Holy Mother!

5 - Do not get your hands on the head (or touch) by anyone and for no reason, but only by the priest (who, as everyone knows, has consecrated hands). How many pranotherapists, self-styled charismatics, presumed healers, people who make believe they are holy souls or "holy men" lay hands and ruin many people. The devil himself, in an exorcism, was forced to say that all these people (in good faith and not) who touch others, play his game and unload on other diabolical presences that are revealed even after many years. "I am afraid - said Satan - only of the consecrated hands of the priests!". So be careful, because certain mistakes or lightnesses are paid dearly!

6 - It is necessary to pray a lot, pray well, always pray (Luke 21:36). How many say to me: "I have a lot of work, I don't have time to do all these prayers and go to mass every day" ... Our Lady herself replies to these people: "Dear children, you don't just live for work; we also live above all by prayer! ”. And another time he added: "My son, when you say: I go to Mass when I have time ... I pray when I have time, it is as if you were saying to God: LORD, YOU ARE NOTHING ME FOR ME!" ... After these words How do you wonder if the much sought after release does not come?

7 - Whoever has made spirit sessions or other serious practices of Black Magic always ask, in prayer, for forgiveness from God! How many people do not get liberation, even with constant exorcisms, because they confessed to these things very lightly (and perhaps without a real and heartfelt repentance). So let's not complain if the release doesn't come!

8 - Especially women are always decent in dressing. How many have fallen into diabolical possession (or fail to obtain liberation) since they continue to cause scandal! (In this regard, read the Gospel of Matthew 18, 6-9).

9 - Many people, especially in small country towns, say they remove the evil eye and use to put drops of oil or grains of wheat (or similar) on a plate of water. Even if they are in good faith or good people, they immediately stop doing similar things. Because this is a magic ritual. And the magical rites then bring into the hands of the devil. Even if these people say prayers or make cross marks, they don't know what they are doing. The Bible is clear: “My people, do not find in your midst those who exercise divination, spell or magic; nor those who cast spells, nor those who consult spirits or fortune tellers, nor those who interrogate the dead, because whoever does these things stirs up the anger of the Lord "(Deuteronomy 18,10-14).

10 - People who are really unable to go to an exorcist can create a prayer group in their parish or family and make liberation prayers with friends and family. The Lord and Our Lady will do the rest ...

11 - Educate yourself every day in the Catholic religion! How many people are taken again by the Evil One, after being freed by the exorcist priest, because of their religious ignorance!… It is no coincidence that Holy Scripture tells us: “Lamp in my footsteps is your word, O Lord; light on my way ... ".

12 - Confess often, especially confess well! The Evil One is afraid of confession. Because if it is well done, it snatches souls from its hands and puts them back into God's! Therefore there is no more powerful exorcism than a well-made confession. In fact, when the Evil One was forced to say what confession is, he gave an astonishing answer: IT IS THE BLOOD OF CHRIST THAT WASHES SOULS! But what use do Christians make of this extraordinary sacrament?

13 - Always participate in the hours of Eucharistic adoration! Also in church worship Jesus alive and true in the Holy Host, especially when he is alone. HE is your LIBERATOR, not the exorcist. The Evil One can do nothing against the Eucharistic and devoted souls of Mary, her great and eternal ENEMY! [taken from a text by Don Pasqualino Fusco]