Advice on spiritual struggle. From the diary of Santa Faustina


«My daughter, I want to instruct you on the spiritual struggle.

1. Never trust in yourself, but entrust yourself completely to My will.

2. In abandonment, darkness and doubts of all kinds, turn to Me and your spiritual director, who will always answer you in My name.

3. Do not start arguing with any temptation, immediately close yourself in My Heart and at the first opportunity reveal it to the confessor.

4. Put self-love in the bottom spot so that you don't contaminate your actions.

5. Bear yourself very patiently.

6. Don't neglect inner mortifications.

7. Always justify within yourself the opinion of your superiors and your confessor.

8. Get away from the murmurs as from the plague.

9. Let others behave as they want, you behave as I want you to.

10. Observe the rule most faithfully.

11. After receiving a grief, think about what you could do good for the person who caused you that suffering.

12. Avoid dissipation.

13. Be silent when you are scolded.

14. Do not ask everyone's opinion, but that of your spiritual director; be as sincere and simple with him as a child.

15. Don't be discouraged by ingratitude.

16. Do not inquire with curiosity on the roads through which I lead you.

17. When boredom and discouragement knock on your heart, run away from yourself and hide in My Heart.

18. Don't be afraid of the fight; courage alone often frightens temptations that dare not attack us.

19. Always fight with the profound conviction that I am beside you.

20. Do not let yourself be guided by sentiment because it is not always in your power, but all the merit lies in the will.

21. Always be submissive to superiors even in the smallest things.

22. I am not deluding you with peace and consolations; prepare for big battles.

23. Know that you are currently on the scene where you are observed from the earth and from all over the sky; fight like a brave fighter, so that I can give you the prize.

24. Do not be too afraid, since you are not alone

Notebook n. 6/2 by Sister Faustina