City Council removes the 'Jesus' sign, the Church takes a lawsuit

The city of hawkins, in the northeast of Texas, In USA, boasts deep and deep roots in the Judeo-Christian foundation of America.

As a symbol of the community's values, the city has erected a sign that reads "Jesus Welcomes You to Hawkins”(Jesus welcomes you to Hawkins), which has been welcoming visitors to Highway 80 since 2015.

Although the cartel has not given problems for several years, the city council recently contested its presence, ordering the Church of the open altar of Jesus Christ to remove it.

When the Church refused, the city council decided to tear down the exhibit, forcing the congregation to take turns watching over the sign.

However, they never expected the city to hire government employees to sneak in the middle of the night and tear up the church banner.

The local press reported that the City Council rejected the community's outrage at shooting down the cartel, insisting it is their property, according to the Hawkins City Secretary. Dona Jordan.

However, the congregation is outraged that the city council is lowering itself to such levels, arguing that the land actually belongs to the church itself.

However, with the knowledge that civil servants no longer represent its constituents, the church boldly announced that they are filing a religious discrimination lawsuit against the council, accusing them of committing a anti-Christian hate crime, as confirmed by the church trustee Mark McDonald.

Although the city council has repeatedly ignored legal advice from attorneys to undermine the church's alleged right to land, they are now paying attention to it. McDonald said the city council is under investigation for numerous legal violations and will face voters in court.