Today's tip 14 September 2020 from Santa Geltrude

Saint Gertrude of Helfta (1256-1301)
Benedictine nun

The Herald of Divine Love, SC 143
Let's meditate on the Passion of Christ
It was taught [Gertrude] that when we turn to the crucifix we must consider that in the depths of our hearts the Lord Jesus tells us in his sweet voice: “See how for your love I was suspended on the cross, naked and despised, my body covered with wounds and dislocated limbs. Yet my Heart is so full of sweet love for you that, if your salvation demanded it and it could not be accomplished otherwise, I would accept to suffer today only for you as you see that I suffered once for the whole world. " This reflection must lead us to gratitude, since, to tell the truth, our gaze never meets the crucifix without a grace from God. (...)

Another time, while meditating on the Passion of the Lord, he realized that meditating on the prayers and lessons related to the Passion of the Lord is infinitely more effective than any other exercise. Since, just as it is impossible to touch the flour without some dust remaining in the hand, so it is not possible to think with much or little fervor of the Lord's Passion without drawing fruit from it. Even whoever makes a simple reading of the Passion disposes the soul to receive its fruit, so that the simple attention of whoever remembers the Passion of Christ benefits more than any other with a deeper attention but not on the Passion of the Lord.

This is why we are constantly careful to meditate often on the Passion of Christ, which becomes for us like honey in the mouth, melodious music in the ear, song of joy in the heart.