Of the Pauline Congregation
The first Thursday in Fr Alberione's Pauline Family is dedicated to the guardian angel: to know him; to be freed from the suggestions of the devil in spiritual and material dangers; to follow him in his caring care, to lead us with him to heaven.

1. Heavenly Father, I thank your infinite goodness for entrusting me, from the moment when my soul has come out of your creative hands, to an angel to "enlighten me, guard, rule and govern". And I also thank you, my guardian angel, who accompanies me every day on the journey back to Heavenly Father. Your holy inspirations, your continuous defense against spiritual and corporal dangers, your powerful prayers to the Lord are a great comfort and sure hope for me. Angel of God.

2. My guardian angel, who always contemplates the Lord and who wants me to be your fellow citizen in heaven, please obtain forgiveness from the Lord, because so many times I have been deaf to your advice, I have sinned in your presence and I remember very little that you are always close to me. Angel of God.

3. My guardian angel, faithful and strong in virtue, you are one of the angels who in heaven, led by St. Michael, won Satan and his followers. The one-day struggle in heaven now continues above the earth: the evil prince and his followers are against Jesus Christ, and undermine souls. Pray the immaculate Queen of the Apostles for the Church, the city of God who fights against the city of satan. O Archangel Michael, defend us with all your followers in the struggle; be our strength against the malice and the snares of the devil. May the Lord subjugate him! And you, prince of the heavenly court, send Satan and the other evil spirits who travel the world for the perdition of souls into hell. Angel of God.

4. O angels of paradise, keep writers, technicians and propagandists of audiovisual techniques and all those who use them. Defend them from evil, guide them in truth, obtain true charity for them. For the apostolate of these techniques, ask the Lord for the necessary vocations and accompany them in their delicate mission. Inspire everyone to contribute with action, prayer and offerings to the apostolate of social communication. Illuminate, guard, hold and govern the world of audiovisual techniques, so that it serves to raise the level of present life and to guide humanity towards eternal goods. Angel of God.

5. O all angels of the Lord, you are called to make a noble court, to give praise and incessantly bless the august Trinity, to repair our forgetfulness. You are the true lovers of God and of souls and continue the song: "Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace on earth to men of good will". We beg you for all humanity to know the true and only God, the Son sent by him and the Church column of truth. Pray for the name of God to be sanctified, the kingdom of Jesus Christ to come and his will to be fulfilled, as in heaven as on earth. Spread your protection over the rulers, the workers, the suffering; obtain blessings and salvation for all who seek truth, justice and peace. Angel of God.