Coronavirus: how to get the plenary indulgence on the feast of Divine Mercy?

Before publishing the devotion and the feast of Divine Mercy on Sunday after Easter I want to tell you that on this Sunday 19 April 2020 feast of Divine Mercy for this period of world pandemic due to the covid-19 you can buy the plenary indulgence and forgiveness of complete sins even with closed Churches.

How to do?

It is enough for you to gather in deep silence, turn your thoughts to Jesus and do an examination of conscience asking God for forgiveness of your sins trying not to commit evil anymore. Right now the conversion of your life is indispensable.

Then you have to take Communion. If you can go to a nearby church, without having too many contacts with the relevant anti-contagion protections, you can ask the priest to give you the consecrated host. Then if you are unable to deep heart make spiritual communion.

Then gather in prayer trying to enter into a deep relationship with Jesus.

Your desire for God is important for forgiveness.


The Feast of Divine Mercy is celebrated on the Sunday after Easter and was established in 2000 by Pope John Paul II.

Jesus spoke for the first time of the desire to institute this feast to Sister Faustina in 1931, when she transmitted her will regarding the picture: “I wish there is a feast of Mercy. I want the image, which you will paint with the brush, to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter; this Sunday must be the feast of Mercy ”.

In the following years, Jesus returned to make this request even in 14 apparitions defining precisely the day of the feast in the liturgical calendar of the Church, the cause and purpose of its institution, the way of preparing it and celebrating it as well as the graces associated with it .

The choice of the first Sunday after Easter has a profound theological sense: it indicates the close link between the paschal mystery of the Redemption and the feast of Mercy, which Sister Faustina also noted: “Now I see that the work of the Redemption is connected with the work of Mercy requested by the Lord ”. This link is further underlined by the novena that precedes the feast and begins on Good Friday.

Jesus explained the reason why he asked for the institution of the feast: “Souls perish, despite My painful Passion (...). If they don't adore My mercy, they will perish forever "

The preparation for the feast must be a novena, which consists in reciting, starting from Good Friday, the chaplet to Divine Mercy. This novena was desired by Jesus and He said about it that "he will bestow graces of all kinds"

Regarding the way to celebrate the feast, Jesus made two wishes:

- that the picture of Mercy be solemnly blessed and publicly, that is liturgically, venerated that day;

- that priests speak to the souls of this great and unfathomable Divine mercy and thus awaken trust in the faithful.

"Yes, - said Jesus - the first Sunday after Easter is the feast of Mercy, but there must also be action and I demand the worship of My mercy with the solemn celebration of this feast and with the worship of the image that has been painted ".

The greatness of this party is demonstrated by the promises:

"On that day, whoever approaches the source of life, he will achieve total remission of sins and penalties" said Jesus. A particular grace is linked to Communion received that day in a worthy way: "total remission of sins and punishments ". This grace “is something decidedly greater than plenary indulgence. The latter consists in fact only in remitting the temporal penalties, deserved for the sins committed (...).

It is essentially greater also than the graces of the six sacraments, except the sacrament of Baptism, since the remission of sins and punishments is only a sacramental grace of holy Baptism. Instead in the promises reported Christ linked the remission of sins and punishments with the Communion received on the feast of Mercy, that is from this point of view he raised it to the rank of "second Baptism".

It is clear that the Communion received on the feast of Mercy must be not only worthy, but also fulfill the fundamental needs of devotion to Divine Mercy. Communion must be received on the day of the feast of Mercy, instead confession can be made earlier (even a few days). The important thing is not to have any sin.

Jesus did not limit his generosity only to this, albeit exceptional, grace. In fact he said that "he will pour a whole sea of ​​graces on the souls who approach the source of My mercy", since "on that day all the channels through which the divine graces flow are open. No soul is afraid to approach Me even if its sins were like scarlet. "

Consecration to Merciful Jesus

Most merciful Savior,

I totally and forever consecrate myself to You.

Turn me into a docile instrument of your Mercy.

O Blood and Water that flow from the Heart of Jesus

as source of Mercy for us, I trust in You!