Coronavirus: Our Lady in Medjugorje tells you how to react in this pandemic

In this 1988 message, Our Lady in Medjugorje tells us how to react to the world coronavirus pandemic.

In message from 1988 but very current.

Message dated January 25, 1988
Dear children, even today I invite you to total conversion: it is difficult for all those who have not chosen God. I invite you, dear children, to be totally converted to God. God can give you everything you ask of him; but you seek God only when illnesses, problems, difficulties come, and you think that God is far from you and that he does not listen to you and does not answer your prayers. No, dear children, this is not true! If you are far from God, you will not be able to receive thanks, because you do not seek him with firm faith. I pray for you every day and I want to draw closer to God more and more, but I can't if you don't want it. Therefore, dear children, put your life in the hands of God. I bless you. Thanks for answering my call!

Some passages from the Bible that can help us understand this message.

Exodus 33,12-23
Moses said to the Lord: “See, you order me: Make this people go up, but you have not indicated to me who you will send with me; yet you said: I knew you by name, indeed you found grace in my eyes.

Now, if I have truly found grace in your eyes, show me your way, so that I know you, and find grace in your eyes; consider that these people are your people. " He replied, "I will walk with you and give you rest."

He continued: “If you don't walk with us, don't get us out of here. How then will it be known that I have found grace in your eyes, me and your people, except in the fact that you walk with us? Thus we will be distinguished, me and your people, from all the peoples who are on earth. " The Lord said to Moses: "Even what you said I will do, because you have found grace in my eyes and I have known you by name". He said to him, "Show me your glory!"

He replied: “I will let all my splendor pass before you and proclaim my name: Lord, before you. I will do grace to those who want to give grace and I will have mercy on those who want to have mercy ". He added: "But you will not be able to see my face, because no man can see me and remain alive."

The Lord added: “Here is a place near me. You will be on the cliff: when my Glory passes, I will place you in the cavity of the cliff and cover you with your hand until I have passed. 23 Then I will take my hand away and you will see my shoulders, but my face cannot be seen. "