Coronavirus: prayer to avoid the epidemic

O God, you are the source of all good. We come to you to invoke your mercy.
You created the universe with harmony and beauty, but with our pride we have destroyed the course of Nature and caused an ecological crisis that affects our health and the well-being of the human family. This is why we ask you for forgiveness.
O God, look to our condition with mercy today that we are in the midst of a new viral epidemic. Let us still experience your paternal care. Restore the order and harmony of Nature and recreate in us a new mind and heart so that we can take care of our Earth as faithful guardians.
O God, we entrust to you all the sick and their families. Bring healing to their body, mind and spirit by making them participate in your Son's Paschal Mystery. Help all members of our society to carry out their task and to strengthen the spirit of solidarity among them. Support frontline doctors and healthcare professionals, social workers and educators. Come to the aid in a particular way to those who need resources to safeguard their health.
We believe that it is you who guides the course of human history and that your love can change our destiny for the better, whatever our human condition may be. Give a firm faith to all Christians, so that even in the midst of fear and chaos they can carry out the mission you have entrusted to them.
O God, bless our human family abundantly and dispel all evil from us. Free us from the epidemic that is affecting us so that we can praise you and thank you with a renewed heart. Because You are the Author of life, and with Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in unity with the Holy Spirit, live and reign, only God, forever and ever. Amen