Chaplet to the Divine Blood to obtain great graces


The infernal Spirit is crushed by the power of the divine Blood of Jesus Christ. This
powerful prayer is of great help especially for those people who refuse
to go to the exorcist priest because they are blocked by the Evil One.

The following prayer is very effective for those who suffer from evil or are tormented by
Devil. It must be recited 50 times in the form of a Rosary.

O Lord, let Your divine Blood descend upon this soul ... to fortify it and
free her, and above the devil to bring him down.

Or you can say, 50 times:
Wash, O Lord, with your precious Blood the soul of….

The power of the most precious blood of Jesus
The value and power of His Blood shed for our salvation. When Jesus on the cross was pierced by the soldier's spear, some liquid came out of His Heart, which was not only blood, but blood mixed with water.

From this it is clear that Jesus gave all of himself to save us: he did not spare anything. He also voluntarily met death. He was not obliged, but he did it only for love of men. His love was truly the greatest. This is why he said in the Gospel: "Nobody has a greater love than this: to give one's life for one's friends" (Jn 15,13:XNUMX). If Jesus sacrificed his life for all men, this means that they are all friends for him: none excluded. Jesus also considers the greatest sinner on this earth a friend. So much so that he has compared the sinner to a sheep of his flock, who has moved away from him, who has lost himself in the desert of sin. But as soon as he realizes that he has gone he goes to look for him everywhere, until he finds him.

Jesus loves everyone equally, both the good and the bad, and does not exclude anyone from His great love. There is no sin that deprives us of His love. He always loves us. Even if among the men of this world there are friends and enemies, for God not: we are all His friends.

Dear ones, you who listen to these poor words of mine, I urge you to make a firm resolution, if you are far from God, to approach him with confidence, without fear, as St. Paul tells us in the letter to the Jews: "Let us approach with full confidence throne of grace, to receive mercy and find grace and be helped at the right time "(Heb 4,16:11,28). We must therefore not stay away from God: He is good to everyone, slow to anger and great in love, as Sacred Scripture says. He does not want our bad, but only our good, that good that makes us happy on this earth, and especially after our death in Paradise. We do not close our hearts, but we listen to His sincere and heartfelt invitation when he says to us: "Come to Me, all of you, who are fatigued and oppressed, and I will refresh you" (Mt XNUMX:XNUMX). What are we waiting to draw close to Him, given that he is so good and lovable? If He gave his life for us, can we think that He wants our evil? Absolutely no! Those who approach God with confidence and simplicity of heart acquire great joy, peace and serenity.

Unfortunately for many people the shedding of the Blood of Jesus has served no purpose because they preferred sin and eternal damnation rather than salvation. Yet Jesus wants all men to be saved, even if many deaf people at His call, and so without realizing they fall into eternal hell.

Sometimes we ask ourselves: "How many are those who are saved?" From what Jesus said we deduce that they are very few. In fact it is written in the Gospel: “Enter through the narrow door, because the door is wide and the way leading to perdition is spacious, and many are those who enter through it. On the other hand, how narrow the door is and the narrow way that leads to life, and how few are those who find it "(Mt 7,13:XNUMX). One day Jesus said to a Saint: "Know, my daughter, that out of ten people who live in the world, seven belong to the devil and only three to God. And even these three are not totally and completely God's." If we want to know how many are saved, we could say that perhaps a hundred are saved out of a thousand.

Dear Friends, let me repeat it: if we are far from God we are not afraid to draw near to Him, and we do not postpone our decision, because tomorrow may be too late. We make the Blood of Christ shed useful for our salvation, and wash our soul with the Holy Confession. Jesus asks us for conversion, for the improvement of our life with the observance of His Commandments. His Grace and His help, received by the Priest, will make us live happily and peacefully on this earth, and one day will make us enjoy eternal happiness in Paradise.