Chaplet to the Madonna Assunta to be recited in these days to ask for an important grace

I. Blessed be, O Mary, the hour in which you were invited by your Lord to heaven.
Ave Maria
II. Blessed be, O Mary, the hour in which you were assumed by the holy angels in heaven.
Ave Maria
III. Blessed be, O Mary, the hour when the whole heavenly court came to meet you.
Ave Maria
IV. Blessed be, O Mary, the hour in which you were received with such honor in heaven.
Ave Maria
V. Blessed be, O Mary, the hour in which you sat at the right hand of your Son in heaven.
Ave Maria
YOU. Blessed be, O Mary, the hour in which you were crowned with so much glory in heaven.
Ave Maria
VII. Blessed be, O Mary, the hour when you were given the title of Daughter, Mother and Bride of the King of heaven.
Ave Maria
VIII. Blessed be Mary, the hour in which you were recognized supreme Queen of all heaven.
Ave Maria
IX. Blessed be, O Mary, the hour in which all the Spirits and Blesseds of heaven acclaimed you.
Ave Maria
X. Blessed be, O Mary, the hour in which you were constituted Our advocate in heaven.
Ave Maria
XI. Blessed be, O Mary, the hour in which you began to intercede for us in heaven.
Ave Maria
XII. Blessed be. o Mary, the hour in which you will deign to receive everyone in heaven.
Ave Maria
At the end, please:

O God, who by turning your gaze to the humility of the Virgin Mary you raised her to the sublime dignity of mother of your only Son made man and today crowned her with incomparable glory, do that, inserted in the mystery of salvation, we too through his intercession we can reach you in the glory of heaven. For Christ our Lord.