Chaplet to the Guardian Angel to ask for his help always

1.) My most loving Guardian Angel, I thank you for the special concern with which you have always waited and await all my spiritual and temporal interests, and I beg you to deign to thank me for Divine Providence which was pleased to entrust me to the protection of a Prince of Paradise. Glory…

Angel of God, who you are my custodian, today enlightens, guards, rules and governs me, who was entrusted to you by heavenly piety. Amen.

2.) My most loving Guardian Angel, I humbly ask you for forgiveness for all the disgust I have given you by violating the law of God in your presence despite your inspirations and admonitions, and I ask you to obtain the grace to amend all due penitence my past failings, to always grow in the fervor of divine service, and to always have a great devotion to Maria SS. who is the mother of holy perseverance. Glory…

Angel of God, who you are my custodian, today enlightens, guards, rules and governs me, who was entrusted to you by heavenly piety. Amen.

3.) My most loving Guardian Angel, I beg you insistently to double your holy concern towards me, so that by overcoming all the obstacles encountered in the way of virtue, I will free myself from all the miseries that oppress my soul, and, persevering in the respect due to your presence, he always feared your reproaches, and faithfully following your holy advice, you deserve one day to enjoy together with you and with all the Heavenly Court the ineffable consolations prepared by God for the elect. Glory…

Angel of God, who you are my custodian, today enlightens, guards, rules and governs me, who was entrusted to you by heavenly piety. Amen.