A chaplet that converts, saves, frees, suggested by Jesus himself

On the large grains of the Rosary Crown is said the Gloria and the following very effective prayer suggested by Jesus himself

Always be praised, blessed, loved, adored, glorified the most holy, the most sacred, the adorable yet incomprehensible Name of God in heaven, on earth and in hell, by all the creatures that came out of the hands of God For the Sacred Heart of NS Jesus Christ in the most holy sacrament of the altar. So be it.

On small grains it is said 10 times

Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, free the holy souls from Purgatory.

It ends with Gloria, Salve Regina and De profundis.

De Profundis

From the depths to you I cry, O Lord;

Sir, listen to my voice.
Let your ears be attentive

to the voice of my prayer.
If you consider the blame,

Lord, Lord, who can survive?
But with you is forgiveness,

therefore we will have your fear.
I hope in the Lord,

my soul hopes in his word.
My soul awaits the Lord

more than sentinels the dawn.
Israel await the Lord,

because with the Lord is mercy,
redemption is great with him;

he will redeem Israel from all his faults.