Chaplet for impossible and desperate situations

D) O Lord, come to my aid.
R) Sir, hurry up to help me.

I Mystery

Saint Rita, you who enjoy
in the beautiful sky the Supreme Good,
true lover of pains
that Jesus suffered for us

Our father…

D) While God grants it life
We all give praise to Rita
A) Always, always be praised
Rita in heaven crowned.

Repeat each Mystery ten times, finally say:

Glory to the Father ...

The Mystery

You imitated the Nazarene by forgiving the killer,
and the sons with ardor you incited to forgive.

Our father…

D) While God grants life etc.

III Mystery

Made a widow embraced
Sacred Cloister, in which it already holds
d'Agostin the sweet law
to sacrament you to Supreme Ben.

Our father…

D) While God grants life etc.

IV Mystery

And the body in that kindergarten
you tightened with chains,
with fasting and harsh pains
for love of Jesus.

Our father…

D) While God grants life etc.

V Mystery

That bloody thorn
that pierces your forehead
and for you heavenly source
of comfort in pain

Our father…

D) While God grants life etc.


Now that you enjoy in the most beautiful sky
of Jesus the lovely face
turn your smile to us
in the valley of sighs,
until the spark is out
of life in pain,
we will stare at the pupil
in the light of Mr.

D) Believe us in this life
your name, o Saint Rita.
R) You in desperate cases
be comfort to the troubled.


O God, who in Santa Rita deigned to infuse you so much
grace to love the same enemies, and bring in
heart and forehead the signs of Your charity e
passion; grant us, please, to his credit
and intercession, to forgive enemies
ours and contemplate the sufferings of Yours
passion, so as to obtain the promised prize
to the myths and those who cry. Amen.

Saint Rita in the Catholic Church is considered as the patroness of impossible and desperate cases. She invokes her and experiences her intercession with her.