What Sister Lucia tells us about the Holy Rosary. From his writings ...


Our Lady repeated this in all her appearances, as if to guard against these times of diabolical disorientation, so that we would not be deceived by false doctrines and that, through prayer, the elevation of our soul towards God would not be reduced. "

"It is necessary ... not to get carried away by the doctrines of disoriented contestants [...]. The campaign is diabolical. We must cope with it, without putting ourselves in conflict. We must tell the souls that, now more than ever, we must pray for us and for those who are against us! We have to say the rosary every day. It is the prayer that Our Lady has most recommended, as if to warn us, in anticipation of these days of diabolical campaign! The devil knows that we will be saved through prayer. It is also against it that he leads his campaign to make us lose. (...) "

The need for prayer to fight evil forces

“The decline that exists in the world is undoubtedly the consequence of the lack of spirit of prayer. It was in anticipation of this disorientation that the Virgin recommended the recitation of the rosary so insistently. And since the rosary is (...) the most suitable prayer to preserve faith in souls, the devil has unleashed his struggle against it. Unfortunately, we see the disasters it has caused ... We must defend the souls against the mistakes that can make them deviate from the right path. I cannot help them otherwise than for my poor and humble prayers and sacrifices (...). We cannot and must not stop, nor let, as Our Lord says, that the children of darkness are more prudent than the children of light ... The rosary is the most powerful weapon to defend ourselves on the battlefield. "

“The devil is very cunning and seeks our weak points to attack us. If we do not apply and if we are not careful to obtain strength from God, we will fall, because our time is very bad and we are weak. Only the strength of God can keep us on our feet. "

"So the little leaves [it is a text on the rosary composed by Sister Lucia] go close to the souls, like an echo of the voice of Our Lady, to remind them of the insistence with which she so recommended the prayer of the rosary. The fact is that she already knew that these times would come when the devil and his supporters would fight so much this prayer to keep souls away from God. And without God, who will be saved ?! Therefore we must do everything in our power to bring souls closer to God. "

The importance of repetition

God created everything that exists, so as to preserve it through the continuous and uninterrupted repetition of the same actions. Thus, to maintain natural life, we always inhale and exhale in the same way; the heart beats continuously following the same rhythm. The stars, like the sun, the moon, the planets, the earth, always follow the same path that God has fixed for them. Day happens to night, year after year, always in the same way. The sunlight illuminates and warms us, always in the same way. For many plants, the leaves appear in the spring, then cover themselves with flowers, bear fruit, and they lose their leaves again in the fall or winter.

Thus, everything follows the law that God has set and no one has yet come up with the idea of ​​saying that this is monotonous and that we should therefore do without it! In fact, we need it to live! Well, in spiritual life, we have the same need to continually repeat the same prayers, the same acts of faith, hope and charity, to have life, since our life is a continuous participation in the life of God.

When the disciples asked Jesus Christ to teach them to pray, he taught them (...) the beautiful formula of the "Our Father", saying: "When you pray, say: Father ..." (Luke 11,2). The Lord made us pray like this, without telling us that after a certain number of years, we would have to look for a new prayer formula, because this would become outdated and monotonous.

(...) What is missing for those who find the prayer of the monotonous rosary is Love; and everything that is done without love is worthless. Finally "To those who assert that the rosary is an outdated and monotonous prayer for the repetition of the prayers that compose it, I ask them if there is something that lives without the continuous repetition of the same actions."

The Rosary, a means of accessing God through Our Mother

“All people of good will can and must, every day, say the rosary. And why? To get in touch with God, thank him for all his benefits and ask him for the graces we need. This prayer of the rosary leads us to the family encounter with God, as the son goes to visit his father to thank him for all the benefits received, to deal with him about his personal affairs, to receive his advice, his help, his support and his blessing.

Since we are all in need to pray, God asks us as a daily measure (...)

the prayer of the rosary, which can be done both in community and in private, both in church and at home, both in family and alone, both traveling and walking peacefully through fields. (...) The day has twenty-four hours ... It is not an exaggeration to reserve a quarter of an hour for spiritual life, to entertain ourselves intimately and familiarly with God! "


The rosary is the privileged means of touching the heart of our Mother

and get his assistance in all our businesses. As she tells us in her apparition to Marienfried: “Pray and sacrifice yourself through me! Always pray! Say the rosary! Beseech the Father through my Immaculate Heart! " or again in Fatima: "that they pray the Rosary ... there is no personal, family, national or international problem that I cannot solve if asked through the Rosary".

"Pray assiduously the rosary and have no fear, because I will always be with you."