What does the Bible say about defending life. No to abortion


My friend argues that the Bible cannot be used to argue against abortion because nowhere in the Bible does it say that abortion is wrong and that life begins with conception. How do I respond?


Although we do not find the word abortion mentioned in any biblical text, we can deduce from Scripture, not to mention natural law, reason, the teaching of the Church and the patristic testimony that abortion is intrinsically evil. For abortion, consider these scripture passages: Job 10: 8, Psalms 22: 9-10, Psalms 139: 13-15, Isaiah 44: 2 and Luke 1:41.


Genesis 16:11: Behold, he said, you are a child, and you will bear a son; and you will call his name Ishmael, because the Lord has listened to your affliction.

Genesis 25: 21-22: And Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because he was barren: and he listened to him and made Rebekah conceive. But the babies fought in his womb ...

Hosea 12: 3: In the womb he supplanted his brother and as a man he fought with God.

Romans 9: 10-11: But when even Rebekah had immediately conceived Isaac our father. Because when the children were not yet born, nor had they done any good or bad (that the purpose of God according to the elections could be valid). . .

The truth that these verses say is that life begins at conception. Rebecca conceived a child, not what would or could be a child. Note James 2:26: “. . . a body separate from the spirit is dead. . ". Since the soul is the principle that gives life to the body, then a child carried in the womb has a soul because it is alive. Killing him is a murder.