What does the Word of God say about the Guardian Angel?

The Word of God says: «Behold, I am sending an angel before you to guard you on the way and to make you enter the place I have prepared. Respect his presence, listen to his voice and do not rebel against him ... If you listen to his voice and do what I tell you, I will be the enemy of your enemies and the opponent of your opponents "(Ex 23, 2022). "But if there is an angel with him, only one protector among a thousand, to show man his duty [...] have mercy on him" (Job 33, 23). "Since my angel is with you, he will take care of you" (Bar 6, 6). "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and saves them" (Ps 33: 8). Its mission is "to guard you in all your steps" (Ps 90, 11). Jesus says that "their angels [of children] in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven" (Mt 18, 10). The guardian angel will assist you as he did with Azariah and his companions in the fiery furnace. “But the angel of the Lord, who had come down with Azariah and his companions into the furnace, turned the flame of the fire away from them and made the interior of the furnace like a place where a wind full of dew blew. So the fire did not touch them at all, it did them no harm, it did not give them any harassment "(Dn 3, 4950).

The angel will save you as he did with Saint Peter: «And behold an angel of the Lord presented himself to him and a light shone in the cell. He touched Peter's side, woke him up and said, "Get up quickly!" And the chains fell from his hands. And the angel to him: "Put your belt on and tie your sandals." And so he did. The angel said: "Wrap your cloak, and follow me!" ... The door opened by itself before them. They went out, walked a road and suddenly the angel vanished from him. Peter, then, inside himself, said: "Now I am truly certain that the Lord has sent his angel ..." "(Acts 12, 711).

In the early Church, no doubt was believed in the guardian angel, and for this reason, when Peter is freed from prison and goes to the home of Marco, the attendant named Rode, he realized that it was Peter, full of joy he runs to give the news without even opening the door. But those who heard him believed he was wrong and said: "He will be his angel" (Acts 12:15). The Church's doctrine is clear on this point: "From childhood to the hour of death human life is surrounded by their protection and their intercession. Each believer has an angel at his side as protector and shepherd, to lead him to life "(Cat 336).

Even Saint Joseph and Mary had their angel. it is probable that the angel who warned Joseph to take Mary as a bride (Mt 1:20) or to flee to Egypt (Mt 2, 13) or to return to Israel (Mt 2, 20) was his own guardian angel. What is certain is that from the first century the figure of the guardian angel already appears in the writings of the Holy Fathers. We already speak of him in the famous book of the first century The Shepherd of Ermas. Saint Eusebius of Caesarea calls them "tutors" of men; St. Basil «traveling companions»; St. Gregory Nazianzeno "protective shields". Origen says that "around every man there is always an angel of the Lord who illuminates him, guards him and protects him from all evil".

Father Angel Peña