What to do when we are desperate? Here is Padre Pio what he recommends

does despair take hold of us? Here is what Padre Pio advises: “In the hours of trial, do not worry, my daughter, to seek God; do not believe that he has gone far from you: and he is within you even then in a much more intimate way; and he is with you, in your moans, in your research ... You exclaim with him on the cross Deus meus, Deus meus, ut quid dereliquisti me? But reflect my daughter, that the suffering humanity of the Lord was never truly abandoned by divinity. You suffer all the effects of divine abandonment, but it is never abandoned. So don't worry; let Jesus treat you as he likes "(to Maria Gargani 12 - 08 - 1918).

A thought from Padre Pio that can help us: “Dhe! therefore, my daughter, do not wish to descend from this cross because this would be the descent of the soul into the plain where Satan tends to trap us. O my dearest daughter, this life is short. The rewards of what is done in the exercise of the Cross are eternal "