What to wear in the Synagogue

When entering a synagogue for a prayer service, wedding or other life cycle event, one of the most frequently asked questions is what to wear. Beyond the basics of choosing clothing, the elements of the Jewish ritual dress can also be confusing. Yarmulkes or kippot (skull caps), tallit (prayer shawls) and tefillina (phylacteries) may seem strange to the uninitiated. But each of these elements has a symbolic meaning within Judaism which adds to the experience of worship.

While each synagogue will have its own customs and traditions regarding appropriate clothing, here are some general guidelines.

Basic clothing
In some synagogues, it is customary for people to wear formal clothes for any prayer service (men's clothes and women's clothes or pants). In other communities, it is not uncommon to see members wearing jeans or sneakers.

Since a synagogue is a house of worship, it is generally advisable to wear "nice clothes" for a prayer service or other life cycle events, such as a Bar Mitzvah. For most services, this can be freely defined to indicate casual workwear. In case of doubt, the easiest way to avoid a misstep is to call the synagogue you will be attending (or a friend who regularly attends that synagogue) and ask which clothing is appropriate. No matter what the custom in the particular synagogue is, one should always dress respectfully and modestly. Avoid revealing clothes or dresses with images that could be considered disrespectful.

Yarmulkes / Kippot (Skullcaps)
This is one of the objects most commonly associated with Jewish ritual dress. In most synagogues (though not all) men should wear a Yarmulke (Yiddish) or Kippah (Hebrew), which is a headdress worn on the apex of the head as a symbol of respect for God. Some women will also wear a kippah but this is usually a personal choice. Visitors may or may not be asked to wear a kippah in the sanctuary or when entering the synagogue building. Generally, if asked, you should wear a kippah regardless of whether you are Jewish.

Synagogues will have kippot boxes or baskets in locations throughout the guest building. Most congregations will require any man, and sometimes even women, to go up on the bimah (a platform at the front of the sanctuary) to wear a kippah. For more information, see: What is a Kippah?

Tallit (prayer shawl)
In many congregations, men and sometimes women also wear a tallit. These are prayer shawls worn during the prayer service. The prayer shawl originated with two biblical verses, Numbers 15:38 and Deuteronomy 22:12, where Jews are asked to wear four-pointed clothing with tasseled fringes on the corners.

As with kippot, most regular participants will bring their tallit with them to the prayer service. Unlike kippot, however, it is far more common that wearing prayer shawls is optional, even in bimah. In congregations where many or most of the congregates wear tallitot (plural of tallit), there will usually be racks containing tallitot that guests can wear during the service.

Tefillina (phylacteries)
Seen mainly in the Orthodox communities, the tefillins look like small black boxes attached to the arm and head with tortuous leather straps. Generally, visitors to a synagogue should not wear tefillin. Indeed, in many communities today - in the conservative, reformist and reconstructionist movements - it is rare to see more than one or two congregates wearing tefillin. For more information on tefillin, including its origins and meaning, see: What are tefillins?

In summary, when attending a synagogue for the first time, Jewish and non-Jewish visitors should attempt to follow the habits of the individual congregation. Wear respectful clothes and, if you are a man and it is a community custom, wear a kippah.

If you wish to familiarize yourself with the various aspects of a synagogue, you may also like: A guide to the synagogue