What do flowers represent for the Church?

I fiori is preferably used for Church what do they represent? In many Catholic churches, flowers are the most commonly used decorations in santuario. In the church, flowers can be found around the altar during mass, or in front of statues and other important works of art.

the Church actually has different rules regarding flowers, uses them for a spiritual symbolism. The floral decoration it should always show restraint and be placed around the altar rather than on the altar table. Furthermore, during Advent the floral decoration of the altar should be characterized by a moderation. At this time of the year, without expressing in advance the full joy of the Nativity of the Lord.

During the Lent , it is forbidden to decorate the altar with flowers. The exceptions, however, are the XNUMXth Sunday of Lent. The solemnities and feasts in this aspect the flowers are meant to express joy. Furthermore, the flowers are meant to remind us of the creation of God the Capuchin Francis Borgia, he said: "Dio he left us three things from Paradise: the stars, the flowers and the eyes of a child ”.

What do flowers represent for the Church? and their colors?

In fact, the flowers have a place entirely of their own in the creation of God, as are the stars in the canopy of the sky. Ineffable traces of a previous world, the earthly paradise, the least affected by curse of sin. In the splendor of their colors, in their fragrance, they are revelations of God's beauty and goodness, emblems of his benevolence, images of his first, true designs (Isaiah 25, 1). Flowers also remind us of the spiritual life and virtues that we should acquire in our hearts. The flowers also symbolize those supernatural prerogatives, graces and virtues with which the soul should be adorned; because the saints bloom like Lily and I am in the presence of God like the smell of balm.

I What they represent i fiori is preferably used for Church? In many Catholic churches, flowers are the most commonly used decorations in the sanctuary. The flowers on the altar also mean that the flowers of grace, prayer and virtue unfold in the supernatural light and celestial warmth that radiates from the sun. of the Eucharistic Sacrifice.