What happens in the moment immediately after death? What the Bible tells us

Does the Bible Tell Us What Happens Immediately After Death?

An appointment

The Bible speaks a lot about life and death and God offers us two choices because it says: “Today I take heaven and earth as witnesses against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore choose life, so that you and your descendants may live, "(Dt 30,19:30,20), therefore we must" love the Lord your God, obeying his voice and keeping you united with him, for he is your life and your longevity, in order to be able to live on the earth that the Lord has sworn to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. " (Dt XNUMX).

We can repent and trust Christ or face God's judgment after Christ's death or return. However, those who reject Christ die with God's wrath on them (John 3:36). The author of Hebrews wrote: "And as it is established for men to die only once, after which judgment comes" (Heb 9,27:2), so we know that after the death of a person comes judgment, but if we trusted in Christ, sins were judged on the cross and our sins were taken away because "He who knew no sin, God treated him as sin in our behalf, so that we might become God's righteousness through him." (5,21 Cor XNUMX:XNUMX).
Each of us has a date with death and none of us know when that day will come, so today is the day of salvation if you haven't yet put your faith in Christ.

A moment after death

From what the Bible teaches, we know that in the instant after death, the children of God are with the Lord Jesus Christ, but for those who have died in their sins, they will die with the wrath of God that dwells upon them ( John 3: 36b) and being in a place of torment as the rich man was in Luke 16. The man still had memory because he said to Abraham: “And he replied: Then, father, please send him to my father's house, 28 because I have five brothers. Admonish them, lest they also come to this place of torment. " (Lk 16,27-28), but Abraham told him that this was not possible (Lk 16,29-31). So a moment after the death of an unsaved person, he is already in torment and may experience physical pain (Luke 16: 23-24) but also distress and mental regret (Luke 16:28), but by then it is too late. That is why today is the day of salvation, because tomorrow it may be too late if Christ returns or dies without trusting in Christ. Eventually, all will be physically resurrected with their bodies, "some to eternal life, others to eternal shame and contempt" (Dan 12: 2-3).