Cremona: they adopt a child and abandon him 5 days later

Today we are dealing with a very complex topic, the issue of adoptions and we do it by telling you the story of a adopted child and abandoned again after 5 days. The world is full of children who need a home and the love of a family, but unfortunately the adoption process goes through a complex and disorganized bureaucratic mechanism.


Too many interests they gravitate around stories that should only be moved by love and feelings. It would be time to change the system and to make sure that loving people and children looking for love can hug each other and live the life they deserve.

After 5 days the abandonment again

On the other hand, there are stories sad like this one we are going to tell you about. This is the story of a Brazilian boy, now 26 years old, who when he was 10 years he was adopted by a family from Cremona. The idyll and joy only lasted 5 days, after which the family abandoned him again.

the heart

An article can be read in the local press in which thanks to the help of the lawyer Gianluca Barbiero, the boy, after denouncing his parents, managed to get them sentenced to 3 months in prison and a provisional payment of 10 euros, for having evaded the support and subsistence obligations.

It was the August 30 2007 when the couple travels to Brazil with the court's adoption paper in their pocket, to adopt the child. But on September 4th they decide to withdraw after declaring that the boy had pointed a knife at his father. But in the lawsuit, the boy explained that things turned out differently: the adoptive mother had beaten him after the boy had argued with the couple's biological son.

Since that time, that 10 year old is grew up wandering between one community and another and committing a series of crimes, for which he served a year in prison. Today the young man has returned to the straight path, he lives in Cremona where he has a new home and a job.