Student crisis for covid: invokes the patron saint of students St. Thomas Aquinas

According to a survey carried out by Unicef ​​and the Catholic University of Sagro Cuore, one in three families declared that during the COVID blockade they did not have the necessary devices to support DAD (distance learning) and not even the economic availability to purchase teaching material inherent. 27% said it was the means available and not the time available for adequate school support. Only 30% said they were able to help their children with DAD, 6% had connectivity problems and lack of devices. Teacher unions claim that with distance learning many students have fallen behind for various reasons : there is no social contact, no presence of the teacher, no class.

Student prayer to St. Thomas Aquinas, patron saint of students: O Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas, to your enlightened patronage I entrust my duties as a Christian and as a student: develop in my spirit the divine seed of an intelligent and fruitful faith; keep my heart pure in the clear reflection of love and divine beauties; support my intelligence and memory in the study of human science;
comfort the effort of my will in the honest search for truth;
defend me from the subtle snare of pride that distances from God;
guide me with a sure hand in moments of doubt; make me a worthy heir of the scientific and Christian tradition of humanity; enlighten my path through the wonders of creation so that I may learn to love the Creator, who is God, infinite Wisdom. Amen.