Daniela Molinari, the mother agrees to make the blood sample to save her life

Daniela Molinari, the mother agrees to take the blood sample to save her life. We all remember the story of Daniela, a Milanese mother and nurse suffering from cancer. Through social media, she implored her birth mother to carry out a DNA sampling necessary to heal her from the disease.

Daniela Molinari, the mother agrees to make the blood sample to save her life: what happened?

Daniela Molinari, the mother agrees to make the blood sample to save her life: what happened? At first the mother, whom we remember while she has rebuilt a family and a new life, replied “no” to Daniela's appeal. Daniela would be his first daughter left in an orphanage in Como. It seems that Molinari has not given up on her mother's refusal and continues to write about social issues. My mom is inhumane, an anonymous withdrawal would be enough only you can save me. But what happened in recent days while Daniela Molinari was subjected to journalists and television broadcast. It seems that the birth mother of the woman with cancer agreed to take the sample: yes, therefore, to the DNA test.

Daniela Molinari: The ok to the tests

Daniela Molinari: The ok to the tests. Without the mother's DNA, the treatments for Daniela cannot be done. The ok to the tests, as the Corriere della Sera writes. The 47-year-old's biological mother responded through the Court of Milan, which took action to help the woman process a distant but always present pain. That is, an unwanted pregnancy resulting from violence. the decision not to have an abortion, the custody of the newborn in an orphanage and the secret with the new family.

Come on Daniela

Come on Daniela. In recent days, therefore, the doctors in collaboration with a psychologist, in a completely anonymous context, it seems that the woman has made the sample have carried out that will allow the genetic mapping. Daniela will not meet the birth mother, and neither will the woman meet her daughter, meanwhile Daniela will proceed with the treatment for the cancer disease Daniela we are all with you!

Prayer for Daniela

Jesus, heal us from all diseases that have come to us through past generations. Heal us of physical illnesses. Of the heart, blood, lungs, intestines, bones, sight and hearing, from tumors and every strange disease. From frigidity, sterility, impotence and venereal diseases. Heal us from all cases of mental illness that have been present in our family history: forms of paranoia, schizophrenia, depressive and self-destructive behaviors.

Heal us from all mental illnesses: anxieties, worries, depressions, insecurities, fears, complexes, sadness, thoughts of suicide, boredom of life and mental imbalances. Stop the transmission of all these diseases. Eliminate these inherited defects. Make sure that there is always physical health, mental integrity, emotional balance, healthy relationships, kindness and love in our generation so that these gifts of yours are passed on to future generations.