Spend time today to reflect on Scripture

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for yourself. Matthew 11:29 (Year A Gospel)

Good solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

For some, this may seem like an old and obsolete celebration in the Church. It can be seen as one of those ancient holidays that have little meaning in our life today. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is exactly what we need to know, experience and receive today in our life. His heart, that heart that was pierced by the spear and from which blood and water flowed, is the sign, the symbol and the source of the ardent love of his own soul. Blood is an image of the Most Holy Eucharist and water is an image of the purifying waters of Baptism.

This celebration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a celebration of Jesus who pours out all his life and love on us. He did not hold back anything that was symbolized by the pouring of the last drop of this blood and water from his Heart as he lay there dead on the Cross. Although it is a very graphic image, it is graphic to make a point. The point, once again, is that it hasn't held back anything. We must realize that Jesus continues to give us everything if we are willing to receive it.

If you are discovering that you need to know His love more deeply in your life today, try taking some time to reflect on this Scripture: "... but a soldier put his spear by his side and immediately blood and water gushed out" (John 19: 33-34). Spend time reflecting on that last gift of yourself, the gift of that water and that blood flowing from His wounded Heart. It is a sign of his infinite love for you. Think about the fact that it is paid specifically for you. Look at it, immerse yourself in it and be open to it. Let His love transform you and fill you.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. I thank you, dear Lord, for giving me everything. You have kept nothing from me and you continue to pour out your life for my good and for the good of the whole world. May I receive everything you give me and keep nothing from you. Jesus I believe in you.