Devotion where Jesus promises every spiritual favor




Voices of love always leave my Heart which invade souls, warm them and, at times, burn them. It is the voice of my Heart that spreads and reaches even those who do not want to hear me and who therefore do not notice me. But to everyone I speak internally, to all I send my voice, because I love everyone. Those who know the law of love are not surprised if I insist on saying that I cannot beat on the doors of those who resist me and that the refusal that I often obtain compels me, so to speak, to repeat the call, the invitation, the 'offer. Now, these voices of mine all warm with love, which start from my Heart, what else are they but the loving will of a loving God who wants to save? But I know very well that my selfless invitations do not benefit many and that the few who accept them must also make considerable efforts to welcome me. Well I want to show myself generous (almost as if I had not been so far) and do it by giving you a precious gem of my love as a testimony of the sincere affection that I have for everyone. So, I decided to open a dam to let the river of grace pass that my heart can no longer contain. And here's what I offer everyone in exchange for a little love:

Remission of all faults and certainty of salvation at the point of death to those who think, once a day, at least, of the pains that I felt in the Garden of Gethsemani;

Perfect and lasting contrition for those who celebrate a Mass in honor of those same penalties;

Successful in spiritual matters to those who will inculcate love for others in the painful pains of my Gethsemane.

Finally, to show you that I really want to break a dam of my Heart and give you a river of grace, I promise those who will promote the devotion to my Gethsemani these three other things:

1) Complete and definitive victory in the greatest temptation to which it is subject;

2) Direct power to free souls from Purgatory;

3) Great light to do my will.

All these gifts of mine I will do with certainty to those who will do the things I have said, with love and compassion for my dreadful agony of Gethsemane.

(August 1963)

Do you want to join the consoling souls of Jesus in agony in the garden of Gethsemane?

From your adhesion to: "THE FRIENDS OF GETHSEMANI"

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O Jesus, who in the excess of your love and to overcome the hardness of our hearts, give many thanks to those who meditate and spread the devotion of your SS. Passion of Gethsemane, I beg you to want to have my heart and soul to think often about your very bitter Agony in the Garden, to feel sorry for you and join you as much as possible. Blessed Jesus, who endured the weight of all our faults that night and paid for them completely, give me the great gift of perfect contrition for my numerous faults that made you sweat blood. Blessed Jesus, for your strong struggle of Gethsemane, give me to be able to bring complete and definitive victory in temptations and especially in the one to which I am most subject. O passionate Jesus, for the anxieties, fears and the unknown but intense pains you suffered on the night you were betrayed, give me a great light to do your will and let me think and rethink the enormous effort and the impressive struggle that victoriously you claimed to do not yours but the will of the Father. Be blessed, O Jesus, for the agony and tears you shed on that most holy night. Be blessed, O Jesus, for the blood sweat you had and for the mortal anxieties you experienced in the most chilling solitude that man can ever conceive. Be blessed, O Jesus very sweet but immensely bitter, for the most human and most divine prayer that gushed from your agonizing Heart in the night of ingratitude and betrayal. Eternal Father, I offer you all past, present and future Holy Masses united with Jesus in agony in the Garden of Olives. Holy Trinity, let knowledge and love for the Holy Spirit spread throughout the world. Passion of Gethsemani. Make, oh Jesus, that all those who love you, seeing you crucified, also remember your unprecedented pains in the Garden and, following your example, learn to pray well, fight and win in order to be able to glorify you eternally in heaven. So be it.


With ecclesiastical approval + Macario, Bishop of Fabriano


In Gethsemani I knew the sins of all men. I was therefore made: thief, murderer, adulterer, liar, sacrilegious, blasphemer, slanderer and rebel to the Father whom I have always loved. I, pure, have replied to the Father as if I were stained with all the impurities. And this is exactly what My sweating blood consisted of: in the contrast of My love for the Father and His will that wanted to take upon me all the rot of My brothers. But I obeyed, to the end I obeyed and for the love of all I covered myself with every stain, just to do the will of My Father and save you from eternal perdition. Nobody will believe that I suffered much more then instead of on the Cross, though so much and so painful, because clearly and insistently I was shown that everyone's sins were made Mine and I had to answer for each one. So I, innocent, answered the Father as if I was truly guilty of dishonesty. Consider, therefore, how many more than mortal agonies I had on that night and, believe me, no one could relieve me of such pangs, because, indeed, I saw that each of you worked to make me cruel the death that was given to me every moment for the offenses of which I paid the ransom in full. More than what man can understand and beyond imagination, I felt abandonment, pain and death in myself. No greater magnitude can you attribute to me than this: to have become the center, the target of all your faults. I knew immensely the weight of the offenses that were and would be made to My Father. My Divinity, having taken My Humanity for its own instrument, was shared by the ugliness that hides the rebellion and the consequent disobedience, transforming everything into groans and martyrs in the Soul and Body. But a single moment would have been enough, a single My sigh could have worked the Redemption for which I had been sent; yet I multiplied these sighs, I prolonged My living down here, because Wisdom and Love so wanted. However, in the end I wanted to intensify all kinds of sufferings in Myself: I saw all that I had to redeem and that everything was attached to Me as My things. There was, in the Garden, the culmination of pain and Man whom I wanted to be, I was landed, overwhelmed, physically destroyed. My Angel came and refreshed me by showing me the pains that other My faithful creatures would suffer for this My suffering; not glory was shown to me but love, compassion, union. This is how I recovered my soul, this is how I gave Myself relief and strength. Crying and fighting, blood and victory, I brought to men, ungrateful and forgetful, for that night of great discomfort. It was a night of redemption, in which I substituted myself for every sinner and took every fault of it, but, in addition to this, I also wanted to enclose the pains of all men and suffer intensely. My dear, Gethsemani is a sea without borders, an ocean in charity in which every person, every guilt, every pain was submerged and I really felt: not in an imaginary way, all the seriousness that would descend into the world. Love for the Father, love for men, they made Me voluntary victim. If one of you could have seen Me, he would have died of fright from the only physical aspect I had taken. Since it was not a single type of punishment, it was not a single yearning, but a thousand, millions of yearnings all compressed in Me. I was able to embrace all your guilt and all your sufferings. I alone have been able to feel, I say feel, all your pains, because I was you and you were Me. Night of tragedy, dark night for My Soul who hesitatedly passed through the Gethsemane olive trees. The Father prepared for me the altar on which I, his victim, was to be immolated. I had to take the sins of others and the One who sent Me, waited that night to give men the measure of His Love, with the total sacrifice of Me, His Son and His First Creature. Down there among the olive trees of Gethsemane, the sin of men was definitively defeated because it was in that place that I immolated myself and won. It is true that a single sigh in the world would have been enough to give redemption to everyone, but it is also true that a work is complete when it reaches the desired climax, as if to say that, being established that I would pay for everyone by subjecting myself to the humiliations of the Passion, only with the Immolation was it possible to achieve the purpose desired by the Father. In fact, the merit was infinite in Me, whatever I did, however the Divine will wanted My humiliation under His powerful hand, by way of completion of His and My work: therefore with Gethsemani the first part of this will was fulfilled and the main part. Slowly, almost without strength, I had come to the foot of that altar on which My Sacrifice was about to begin and be consumed. What a night it was! What anguish, in My heart, at the thought, at the terrifying vision of the sins of men! I was the Light and saw only darkness; I was the Fire and I felt only frost; I was the Love and felt only the lack of love; I was the Good and felt only the bad; I was the Joy and I had only sadness, I was God and I saw myself a worm, I was the Christ, the Anointed of the Father and I saw myself gross and repulsive, I was the Sweetness and I felt only bitterness; I was the judge and suffered the sentence, your sentence; I was the saint, but I was treated as the greatest sinner; I was Jesus, but I felt called only by the names of Satan's reproach; I was the voluntary victim, but My own human nature made Me feel tremor and weakness and asked for the removal of all the suffering in which I found myself; yes, I was the Man of all the pains which had escaped the joy of the self-giving that I had made with all Divine transport. And all these things, why? I have already told you: I was you, because you must become Me. My Passion ... Oh! what an abyss of bitterness it has enclosed! And how far away are those who believe they know it only because they think of the sufferings of My Body! Look at Gethsemani, look at me undone in the Garden and unite with Me! I come back to you today to remind you to take a good look at My sad face, to better consider My Blood sweat. Are you not very interested in this unknown Passion? Don't you think I deserve more consideration, better attention? Anime My dear! Return to Gethsemani, return with Me in the dark, in pain, in compassion, in painful love! And you, how are you now? Do you mean, then, that I make you similar to Me? You too can place your knees on the ground of your sacrifice and say with Me: Father, if possible, remove this cup from me: however, do not make mine, but your will. And when you have said with intimate conviction "fiat", then everything will cease and you will be renewed in My Love. Look at Gethsemani, look at me undone, in the Garden and unite with Me! As for Me, the suffering that was, will now be very sweet to Me if you put yourself in consideration of My pains. Do not be afraid to enter Gethsemani with Me: Enter and see. If, then, I will participate in sensitive anxieties and loneliness, consider them My true gifts and you will not get lost, but with Me you say: Father, not my will, but Yours should be done!