Devotion to the Child Jesus and the chaplet of the month of December


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Song: You come down from the stars

You come down from the stars, king of heaven,

and come to a cave in the cold, in the frost.

O my Divine Child,

I see you here in tremar:

O blessed God!

ah, how much it cost you to love me!

To You, who are the Creator of the world,

there are no clothes and fire, my Lord:

dear elected, little boy,

how much, this poverty

the more I fall in love,

for he made you poor love again.

You leave the joy of the divine breast,

to come to penar on this hay.

Sweet love of my heart,

where did love transport you?

O my Jesus,

why so much suffering for my sake?

But if it was your will to suffer,

why do you want to cry, why wander?

My Lord, beloved God,

my Jesus, I understand you!

Ah my lord!

You cry, not for pain, but for love!

You cry to see yourself ungrateful to me,

for such a great love, a little loved!

O beloved of my breast,

if it was once like this,

or Te sol crave,

my good, don't cry anymore, that I love you, I love you!

O Jesus, sweetest child, who, from the bosom of the Father, descended for our salvation into the womb of the Virgin Mary, where, conceived of the Holy Spirit, you became the Incarnate Word, let us, humble of spirit, enjoy the fruit of your redemption.

Holy Mary…

Come; Lord Jesus!

Stay with us

O Jesus, the sweetest child, who, through the Virgin Mary, visited Saint Elizabeth and sanctified your precursor John the Baptist from the womb of his mother, sanctify our souls with the most precious treasure of your holy grace.

Holy Mary…

Come; Lord Jesus!

Stay with us

O Jesus, the sweetest child, who, born in Bethlehem by the Virgin Mary, was wrapped in poor clothes, lying in the crib glorified by angels and visited by shepherds, make our heart worthy of receiving you child and of adoring you redeemer.

Holy Mary…

Come; Lord Jesus!

Stay with us

O Jesus, sweetest child, who, manifested by a star to the Three Wise Men, received from them as a gift gold, frankincense and myrrh, guide us for the true and sure way of your holy service.

Holy Mary…

Come; Lord Jesus!

Stay with us

O Jesus, sweetest child, who, after eight days, was circumcised, called with the glorious name of Jesus and in the name and blood predicted Savior of the world, frees our minds from any impure desire and any vice.

Holy Mary…

Come; Lord Jesus!

Stay with us