Devotion to Jesus: promises made to the Heart of Jesus made by the Lord

made by Our Most Merciful Lord to Sister Claire Ferchaud, France.

I do not come to bring terror, because I am the God of love, the God who forgives and who wants to save everyone.

To all sinners who kneel without repentance before this image, my grace will work with such power that they will rise repentant.

To those who kiss the image of my torn Heart with true love, I will forgive their faults even before the absolution.

My gaze will suffice to move the indifferent and to set them on fire to practice the good.

A single act of love with the plea for forgiveness before this image will be enough for me to open the sky to the soul that in the hour of death must appear before Me.

If someone refuses to believe the truths of the faith, an image of my heart torn in their apartment is placed without their knowledge ... It will perform miracles of thanks of sudden and completely supernatural conversions.


(to ask for the grace of healing)

Do not deny us, O Most Holy Heart of Jesus, the grace that we ask of you. We will not turn away from you until you have made us listen to the sweet words spoken to the leper: I want it, be healed (Mt 8, 2).

How could you fail us doing thanks to everyone? How will you reject our plea that you so easily answer our prayers?

O Heart, inexhaustible source of graces, O Heart that you immolated yourselves for the glory of the Father and for our salvation; o Heart that you have agonized in the garden of olives and on the cross; o Heart, which, after expiration, you wanted me to be opened by a spear, to always remain open for all, especially for the afflicted and troubled; O most adored heart that you are always with us in the Most Holy Eucharist, we, full of great trust in the sight of your love, beg you to grant us the grace we desire.

Don't look at our demerits and sins. Look at the spasms and sufferings that you have endured for our love.

We present to you the merits of your Most Holy Mother, all her pains and worries, and for her sake we ask you for this grace, but always in the fullness of your divine will. Amen.