Devotion to Jesus when you don't have time to pray and attract torrents of grace

NB For people who are not comfortable with long prayers, there is a very simple and easy means of accumulating merit for eternity and attracting streams of thanks and blessings all over the world. Just read this prayer a few times and then put it on your heart, situating it, possibly, in the scapular, and often placing your hand on it, with the intention of repeating what the prayer itself says and thus making an act of love of God. Our Lord satisfied with our intention, when it is accompanied by a sincere desire and ardent love.

My God, I, ……., I promise you to have until my last breath, until my heart beats, the intention to offer you as many times, as the seconds of the day, the grains of the sand of the Earth, the atoms of the the air, the leaves of the trees, the drops of water from the seas, lakes and rivers, the merits of Jesus Christ, His fasts, His penances, His painful passion, His adorable blood, His humiliations and His death, all the Masses that have been and will be celebrated in the future, all the merits of the SS. Virgin, the labors of the Apostles, the blood of the Martyrs, the purity of the Virgins, the austerities of the penitents, the prayers of the Holy Church, in a word all the meritorious works that have been done and will be done in the future to ask you as many times for forgiveness of my sins, of those of my relatives, of those of friends and enemies, of all those of the infidels, of the heretics, of the Jews, of the bad Christians; to ask you for my conversion and that of all the sinners that exist and will exist below; to ask you for the exaltation of the Church, the fulfillment of your adorable will on Earth as in Heaven; to ask you for the liberation of the souls of Purgatory, especially the most abandoned ones, of the souls of the Priests and of the most devout souls of the SS. Hearts of Jesus and Mary, in favor of which I wish to offer you all the indulgences accorded to the good works that I will do today. I wish to thank you many times, in my name, in the name of my relatives and in the name of all the men who have been and who will be, of the graces received and to be received, known and unknown, of the natural and supernatural benefits with which you have filled me , you fill me every day and you will fill me to the end. I wish to thank you not only for the benefits granted to me, but also for those granted to all men who have been, are and will be.

I wish to thank you again for having waited so long in penance for me and all the poor sinners, and for having forgiven us many and many times.

In a word, I intend to make the rest of my life a long act of atonement, thanksgiving, adoration, impetration, that is, a long act of love.

May I, O my God, make amends for all the lost time, and give you as much glory for what I have stolen from you.