Devotion to the sacramented Jesus of the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta


Of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

Oh my Jesus, sweet Prisoner of love here I am to you again, I left you to say goodbye, now I return to say you good morning.

I was anxious to see you again in this prison of love to give you my longing treats, my affectionate heartbeats, my fiery breaths, my ardent desires and all of myself, to transfuse myself entirely in You and leave me in You forever I remember and pledge my constant love for you.

Oh! My always lovable Sacramental Love you know, while I came to give you all of myself, I also came to receive all of you from You. I can't be without a life to live and therefore I want yours, to whoever gives everything, gives everything, isn't it true Jesus? So today I will love with your heartbeat, passionate lover, I will breathe with your labored breath in search of souls, I will desire with your immeasurable desires your glory and the good of souls. In your Divine heartbeat all the heartbeats of creatures will flow, we will grab them all and we will save them, we will not let anyone escape, at the cost of any sacrifice, even if I carried all the pain.

If you drive me out I will throw myself in more, I will cry out louder to plead with you the salvation of your children and my brothers. Oh! My Jesus, my life and my everything, how many things does this voluntary imprisonment tell me? But the emblem with which I see you all sealed and the chains then that all bind strong love, the words anime and love, it seems that they make you smile, they weaken you and force you to give in to everything, and I pondering these well your loving excesses, I will always be around you and together with you with my usual refrains: souls and love.

Therefore I want all of yourself this today, always together with me in prayer, in work, in the pleasures and sorrows, in the food, in the steps, in the sleep in everything and I am sure that since I cannot obtain anything from myself, with You I will get everything and everything what we will do will relieve you of all pain and soften your bitterness and repair any offense and compensate you for everything and impetrate any conversion, albeit difficult and desperate.

We will go begging for some love from all hearts to make you happier and happier, isn't that good or Jesus? Oh! Dear Prisoner of love, bond with your chains, seal me with your love. Deh! Let me see your beautiful face. Oh Jesus how beautiful you are! Your blonde hair ties up and sanctifies all my thoughts, your calm forehead, even in the midst of so many confrontations it pacifies me and puts me in perfect calm, even in the midst of the greatest storms with your own privations, with your "picei" who they cost me my life. Ah! You know it but I move on, this tells you the heart that can tell you better than me. Oh! Love, your beautiful cerulean eyes sparkling with Divine light kidnap me to heaven and make me forget the earth, but alas, to my utmost pain, my exile is still prolonged. Quick, quick, oh Jesus you are beautiful oh Jesus I seem to see you in that Tabernacle of love, the beauty and majesty of your face falls in love with me and makes me live in heaven, your graceful mouth touches me its burning kisses at every instant. Your sweet voice calls me and invites you to love you every moment, your knees support me, your arms hold me with an indissoluble bond and I will print my burning kisses on your adorable face one by one thousand.

Jesus, Jesus, be one our will, one love, one our contentment, never leave me alone that I am a nothing and a nothing cannot be without everything.

Promise me or Jesus? Apparently you say yes.

And now, bless Me, bless all and in the company of angels and saints, and of the sweet Mother and of all creatures, I will tell you: Buondì or Jesus, buondì.

Oh! My Jesus, Heavenly Prisoner, the sun is already setting and darkness invades the earth, and You remain alone in the Tabernacle of love. You seem to see yourself posed with sadness for the solitude of the night alone, not having the crown of your children and tender wives around you; that at least keep you company in your voluntary imprisonment.

Oh! My Divine Prisoner, I too feel my heart tighten, in having to distance myself from You, and I am forced to say goodbye, but what I say oh Jesus, never again goodbye, I do not have the courage to leave you alone, goodbye with the lips, but not with the heart, rather my heart I leave it with you in the Tabernacle, I will count your heartbeats and I will correspond with my heartbeat of love, I will number your labored sighs and to refresh you I will let you rest in my arms, I will make you watchful sentry , I will be very careful to see if something afflicts and pains you not only to never leave you alone, but to take part in all your pains.

Oh Heart of my heart, oh Love of my love, leave this air of sadness, console yourself, it does not give me the heart to see you afflicted, while with my lips I say goodbye, I leave you my breaths, my affections, my thoughts, my desires and all my movements that by ringing together continuous acts of love, united to yours, will form you crown and, they will love you for everyone, aren't you happy or Jesus? You seem to say yes, don't you? Goodbye or captive Lover, but I have not finished yet, before I leave, I also want to leave my body before You, I intend to make many tiny pieces of my flesh and bones to form as many lamps as many tabernacles exist in the world, and of my blood many flames, to light these lamps, and in every Tabernacle I intend to put my lamp, which joining the lamp of the Tabernacle that illuminates you at night, will tell you I love you, I adore you, I bless you, I shelter you and I thank you for me and for everyone.

Goodbye oh Jesus, but hear another word again, let's bargain and the pact is that we will love each other more, you will give me more love, you will close me in your love, you will make me live in love, and you will bury me in your love, we will tighten stronger the bond of love. I will be happy if you give me your love so that I can truly love you.

Goodbye or Jesus, bless me, bless everyone, hold me close to your heart, imprison me in your love by blowing a kiss on your heart, goodbye, goodbye.

Now after having written the said prayers, written above under the influence of Jesus, the night in coming Jesus showed me that the farewell, and the good morning, kept it kept in his Heart and said to me:

My daughter, they just went out. from my Heart, whoever will recite them with the intention of staying with Me, as expressed in these prayers I will keep it with Me, or in Me to do what I do and not only will I warm it with my love, but whenever I increase the love for the soul admitting it to the union of Divine life and my own desires to save souls.

I would like Jesus in the mind, Jesus in the lips, Jesus in the heart. I would like to look only at Jesus, to feel only Jesus, to cling to Jesus only. I want to do everything together with Jesus, joke with Jesus, cry with Jesus, write with Jesus, and without Jesus, I don't even want to breathe. I will be like a little girl whining without doing anything so that Jesus comes to do everything together with me, contenting myself with being his plaything, abandoning me to his love, his lashes, his worries and his loving whims, as long as I do everything together with Jesus . You know? O my Jesus, this is my will, and you will not move. You heard, so now come and write with me.