Devotion to Mary: the prayer of entrusting to be done every day

Entrustment to Maria

O Maria, show yourself the mother of all:
Take them under your mantle, for you wrap all your children with tenderness.

O Maria, be a compassionate mother:
- for our families, especially where there is no understanding between husband and wife, nor dialogue between the different generations, where we live of continuous, lacerating tensions between parents and children
- for those who are alone, they are not loved and cannot give a positive meaning to their existence
- for those who live distracted and do not notice the ever new possibilities of rebirth that God makes available to them.

O Mary, be a mother of mercy:
- for those who would like to start believing again, that is to return to a more adult faith, supported by brothers and sisters of faith who open the way for them.
- for the sick, who struggle to bless the Lord in this moment of great suffering.
- for those who live slaves to the senses; alcohol or drug addicts.

O Maria, be a mother of tenderness:
- for children and young people who open themselves to life and seek their vocation
- for boyfriends who want to consecrate their love
- for families open to hospitality and welcome

O Mary, be mother of unity:
- for our parishes to help Christians become mature in the faith
- for catechists and educators, because they are true models of adult Christian life
- for our priests so that they do not become discouraged in difficulties and know how to offer the demanding appeals of God to young people.

O Maria, be a loving mother:
- towards those who most need to be loved, that is, sinners
- towards those who feel judged by others and left alone
- be close to all the wounded in life because abandoned by their spouse, because alone in their seniority, because they have no resources.

You, compassionate mother:

Watch over us, Maria

You, mother of mercy:

Watch over us, Maria

You, mother of tenderness:

Watch over us, Maria

You, mother of unity:

Watch over us, Maria

You, loving mother:

Watch over us, Maria