Devotion to Mary to obtain grace and salvation. Recite this month

Saint Matilda of Hackeborn, a Benedictine nun who died in 1298, thinking with fear of her death, prayed to Our Lady to assist her at that extreme moment. The response of the Mother of God was most consoling: “Yes, I will do what you ask of me, my daughter, but I ask you to recite Tre Ave Maria every day: the first to thank the Eternal Father for making me almighty in Heaven and on earth ; the second to honor the Son of God for having given me such science and wisdom to surpass that of all the Saints and all the Angels; the third to honor the Holy Spirit for making me the most merciful after God. "

The special promise of Our Lady is valid for everyone, except for those who recite them with malice, with the intention of continuing more quietly to sin. Someone might object that there is great disproportion in obtaining eternal salvation with the simple daily recitation of Three Hail Marys. Well, at the Marian Congress of Einsiedeln in Switzerland, Fr. Giambattista de Blois replied thus: “If this means seems to you out of proportion, you must take it out on God himself who granted the Virgin such power. God is the absolute master of his gifts. And the Virgin SS. but, in the power of intercession, he responds with generosity proportionate to his immense love as a Mother ”.

Pray prayerfully every day like this, morning or evening (better morning and evening):

Mary, Mother of Jesus and my Mother, defend me from the Evil One in life and at the hour of death, by the Power that the Eternal Father has granted you.

Ave Maria…

by the Wisdom that the divine Son granted you.

Ave Maria…

for the Love that the Holy Spirit has granted you. Ave Maria…