Devotion to Padre Pio: his thoughts today 26 June

26. In attending the Holy Mass renew your faith and meditate as a victim immolates itself for you to divine justice to appease it and make it propitious.
When you are well, you listen to the mass. When you're sick, and you can't attend it, you say mass.

27. In these times so sad of dead faith, of triumphant impiety, the safest way to keep ourselves free from the pestiferous disease that surrounds us is to fortify ourselves with this Eucharistic food. This cannot be easily obtained by those who live months and months without satiating themselves of the immaculate meats of the divine Lamb.

28. I point, because the bell calls and urges me; and I go to the press of the church, to the holy altar, where the sacred wine of the blood of that delicious and singular grape continuously drips, of which only a lucky few are allowed to get drunk. There - as you know, I cannot do otherwise - I will present you to the heavenly Father in the union of his Son, who, through whom and through whom I am all yours in the Lord.

O Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who loved the sick more than yourself, seeing Jesus in them. You who in the name of the Lord worked miracles of healing in the body by giving back hope of life and renewal in the Spirit, pray to the Lord that all the sick , through Mary's intercession, may they experience your powerful patronage and through bodily healing they may draw spiritual benefits to thank and praise the Lord God forever.

«If I know then that a person is afflicted, both in soul and in body, what would I not do with the Lord to see her free from her evils? I would willingly take upon myself, in order to see her go away, all her afflictions, giving in her favor the fruits of such sufferings, if the Lord would allow me ... ». Father Pio