Devotion to St. Joseph: prayers in honor of the saint

St. Joseph was the provident custodian of the Holy Family. We can entrust all our families to him, with the greatest certainty of being satisfied in all our needs. He is the righteous and faithful man (Mt 1,19:XNUMX) whom God has placed as the guardian of his home, as guide and support of Jesus and Mary: all the more he will protect our families, if we entrust them to him and if we invoke him with all our heart .

"Any grace asked of St. Joseph will certainly be granted, whoever wants to believe will try to persuade himself", claimed St. Teresa of Avila. “I took the glorious s for my lawyer and patron. Giuseppe and I recommended myself to him with fervor. This my father and protector helped me in the needs in which I was and in many other more serious ones, in which my honor and the health of the soul were at stake. I saw that his help was always greater than I could have hoped for ... "(see chapter VI of the Autobiography).

Difficult to doubt it, if we think that among all the saints the humble carpenter of Nazareth is the one closest to Jesus and Mary: he was on earth, even more so in heaven. Because Jesus was the father, albeit an adoptive one, and Mary was the spouse. The graces that are obtained from God are truly numberless, turning to Saint Joseph. Universal patron of the Church at the behest of Pope Pius IX, he is also known as the patron saint of workers as well as of the dying and purging souls, but his patronage extends to all needs, comes to all requests. He is certainly the worthy and powerful protector of every Christian family, as he was of the Holy Family.

300-day indulgence, one each day for those who do some exercise and act of virtue in honor of St. Joseph; plenary once a month. under the usual conditions.


Glorious Saint Joseph, look at us prostrate in your presence, with a heart full of joy because we count ourselves, although unworthy, in the number of your devotees. We wish today in a special way, to show you the gratitude that fills our souls for the favors and graces so signaled that we continually receive from You.

Thank you, beloved Saint Joseph, for the immense benefits that you have dispensed and constantly dispenses us. Thank you for all the good received and for the satisfaction of this happy day, since I am the father (or mother) of this family who wishes to be consecrated to you in a particular way. Take care, O glorious Patriarch, of all our needs and family responsibilities.

Everything, absolutely everything, we entrust to you. Animated by the many attentions received, and thinking of what our Mother Saint Teresa of Jesus said, that always while she lived you obtained the grace that on this day she begged you, we confidently dare to pray to you, to transform our hearts into volcanoes burning with truth love. That everything that comes close to them, or in some way relates to them, remains inflamed by this immense stake that is the Divine Heart of Jesus. Obtain for us the immense grace of living and dying of love.

Give us purity, humility of heart and chastity of body. Finally, you who know our needs and responsibilities better than we do, take care of them and welcome them under your patronage. Increase our love and our devotion to the Blessed Virgin and lead us through her to Jesus, because in this way we advance confidently on the path that leads us to happy eternity. Amen.


O St. Joseph with you, through your intercession we bless the Lord. He has chosen you among all men to be the chaste husband of Mary and the putative father of Jesus. You have continuously watched, with affectionate attention, the Mother and Child to give security to their life and allow them to fulfill their mission. The Son of God has accepted to submit to you as a father, during the time of his childhood and adolescence and to receive from you the teachings for his life as a man. Now you stand next to Him. Continue to protect the whole Church. Remember families, young people and especially those in need; through your intercession they will accept Mary's motherly gaze and the hand of Jesus who helps them. Amen


Hail or Joseph righteous man, virgin spouse of Mary and Davidic father of the Messiah; You are blessed among men, and blessed is the Son of God who was entrusted to you: Jesus.

Saint Joseph, patron of the universal Church, protect our families in peace and divine grace, and help us in the hour of our death. Amen.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O St. Joseph, my protector and lawyer, I appeal to you, so that I may implore the Grace for which you see me moaning and begging before you. It is true that the present sorrows and bitterness I feel are perhaps the just punishment of my sins. Recognizing myself guilty, will I have to lose hope of being helped by the Lord for this? "Ah! no -your great devotee Saint Teresa replies- certainly not, poor sinners. Turn in any need, however grave it may be, to the effective intercession of Patriarch Saint Joseph; go with true faith to him and you will certainly be answered in your questions ". With so much confidence I present myself, therefore, before you and I implore mercy and mercy. Deh !, as far as you can, O Saint Joseph, help me in my tribulations. Suppose me to miss and, as powerful as you are, do that, obtained by your pious intercession the grace that I implore, can return to your altar to make you there. tribute to my gratitude.

Our father; Ave, o Maria; Glory to the Father

Do not forget, O merciful Saint Joseph, that no person in the world, no matter how great a sinner she was, has turned to you, remaining disappointed in the faith and hope placed in you. How many graces and favors you have obtained for the afflicted! Sick, oppressed, slandered, betrayed, abandoned, having recourse to your protection, have been granted. Deh! do not allow, O great Saint, that I have to be alone, among many, to remain without your comfort. Show yourself good and generous also towards me, and I, thanking you, will exalt in you the goodness and mercy of the Lord.

Our father; Ave, o Maria; Glory to the Father

excellent head of the Holy Family of Nazareth, I venerate you deeply and I invoke you from my heart. To the afflicted, who prayed to you before me, you granted comfort and peace, thanks and favors. Therefore deign to console even my grieved soul, which finds no rest in the midst of the distress from which it is oppressed. You, oh most wise Saint, see all my needs in God, even before I explain them to you with my prayer. You therefore know very well how much the grace I ask of you is necessary. No human heart can console me; I hope to be comforted by you: by you, glorious Saint. If you grant me the grace that I ask you so insistently, I promise to spread devotion to you. O Saint Joseph, comforter of the afflicted, have mercy on my pain!

Our father; Ave, o Maria; Glory to the Father


To you, O blessed Joseph, gripped by tribulation, we appeal, and confidently we invoke your patronage after that of your most holy Bride. For that sacred bond of charity, which held you close to the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and for the paternal love that you brought to the child Jesus, regards, we pray to you, with a benign eye, the dear inheritance, which Jesus Christ acquired with his Blood, and with your power and help you help our needs. Protect, or provident guardian of the divine Family, the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ: remove from us, O beloved Father, the errors and vices which soften the world; assist us propitiously from heaven in this struggle with the power of darkness, O our very strong protector; and as you once saved from death the threatened life of the baby Jesus, so now defend the holy Church of God from hostile snares and from all adversity; extend your patronage over each one of us so that in your example and through your help, we can virtuously live, piously die and attain eternal bliss in heaven. So be it


I. Most lovable Saint Joseph, for the honor that the Eternal Father granted you by raising you to take his place on earth next to his Most Holy Son Jesus, becoming his putative Father, obtain from God the grace that I ask of you.

Glory to the Father ... Saint Joseph, putative father of Jesus, pray for me.

The most amiable Saint Joseph, for the love that Jesus brought you by recognizing you as a tender father and obeying you as a respectful Son, implore me from God for the grace that I ask of you.

Glory to the Father ... Saint Joseph, putative father of Jesus, pray for me.

III. Most pure St. Joseph, for the very special grace you received from the Holy Spirit when he gave you his same bride, our dearest Mother, obtain from God the much desired grace.

Glory to the Father ... Saint Joseph, putative father of Jesus, pray for me.

IV. Most tender Saint Joseph, for the most pure love with which you loved Jesus as your Son and God, and Mary as your beloved bride, pray to the most high God that he grant me the grace for which I beg you.

Glory to the Father ... Saint Joseph, putative father of Jesus, pray for me.

V. Most sweet Saint Joseph, for the great joy that your heart felt in conversing with Jesus and Mary and in giving them your services, implore for me the most merciful God the grace that I desire so much.

Glory to the Father ... Saint Joseph, putative father of Jesus, pray for me.

YOU. Very fortunate Saint Joseph, for the beautiful fate you had of dying in the arms of Jesus and Mary, and to be comforted in your agony by their presence, obtain from God, through your powerful intercession, the grace I need so much.

Glory to the Father ... Saint Joseph, putative father of Jesus, pray for me.

VII. Most glorious St. Joseph, for the reverence that the whole heavenly Court has for you as the Putative Father of Jesus and Spouse of Mary, grant my supplications that I present to you with living faith, obtaining the grace that I desire so much.

Glory to the Father ... Saint Joseph, putative father of Jesus, pray for me.



O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain and joy that you felt in the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain for us the grace of trust in God.

Pater, Ave, Glory


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain you felt in seeing the Child Jesus born in so much poverty and for the joy you felt seeing him worship by the Angels, obtain the grace of approaching Holy Communion with faith, humility and love.

Pater, Ave, Glory


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain you felt in circumcising the Divine Child and for the joy you felt in imposing on him the name of "Jesus", ordained by the Angel, obtain the grace to remove from your heart all that is sorry for God .

Pater, Ave, Glory


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain and joy you felt in hearing the prophecy of the holy old Simeon, who announced on one hand the perdition and on the other the salvation of many souls, according to their attitude towards Jesus , who held Baby in his arms, obtain the grace to meditate with love on the pains of Jesus and the pains of Mary. Pater, Ave, Gloria


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain you felt in the flight to Egypt and for the joy you felt having always the same God with you and his Mother, obtain for us the grace to fulfill all our duties with fidelity and love.

Pater, Ave, Glory


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain you felt in hearing that the persecutors of the Child Jesus still reigned in the land of Judea and for the joy you felt in returning to your home in Nazareth, in the safest land of Galilee, obtain for us the grace of uniformity in the will of God.

Pater, Ave, Glory


O glorious St. Joseph, for the pain that you felt in the bewilderment of the boy Jesus and for the joy that you felt in finding him, obtain the grace of leading a good life and making a holy death.

Pater, Ave, Glory


O Saint Joseph, guardian of Jesus, the most chaste husband of Mary, who spent your life in the perfect fulfillment of duty, supporting the sacred Family of Nazareth with the work of your hands, protect propitiously those who, trusting, turn to you! You know their aspirations, their anxieties, their hopes, and they resort to you, because they know they find in you who understands and protects them. You too have experienced trial, fatigue, tiredness; but even in the midst of the worries of material life; your soul, filled with the deepest peace, exulted in unspeakable joy with intimacy with the Son of God entrusted to you, and with Mary, his sweetest mother. Understand your protégés that they are not alone in their work, but know how to discover Jesus next to them, welcome them with grace and faithfully keep them, as you have done. And you get that in every family, in every workshop, in every laboratory, wherever a Christian works, everything is sanctified in charity, patience, justice, in the search for good doing, so that abundant descend the gifts of heavenly predilection.


Saint Joseph, chosen by God to be the most pure husband of Mary and the putative father of Jesus, intercede for us who turn to you. You who were the faithful custodian of the holy family, bless and protect our family and all Christian families. You who have experienced the test, fatigue and tiredness in life, help all workers and all the suffering. You who had the grace to die in the arms of Jesus and Mary, assist and comfort all the dying. You who are the patron of the holy Church, intercede for the Pope, the Bishops and all the faithful scattered throughout the world, especially for those who are oppressed and who suffer persecution for the name of Christ.


In your hands, O Joseph, I abandon my poor hands; to your fingers I intertwine, praying, my fragile fingers.

You, who nourished the Lord with daily work, give bread to every table and peace that is worth a treasure.

You, heavenly protector of yesterday, today and tomorrow, launch a bridge of love that unites distant brothers.

And when, obedient to the invitation, I will make you my hand, welcome my contrite heart and bring it to God slowly.

Then even though my hands are empty, they are tired and heavy, looking at them you will say: "So are the hands of the saints!"

St. Joseph, with your silence speak to us men with many small talk; with your modesty you are superior to us men of a thousand proud; with your simplicity you understand the most hidden and deepest mysteries; with your hiding you have been present at the decisive moments of our history.

St. Joseph, pray for us and help us make your virtues ours too. Amen.