Devotion to Santa Maria degli Angeli that helps you get graces

Abbot Cestac, who died in 1686, was a soul accustomed to the favors of the Virgin Mary. One day he was suddenly struck as if by a ray of divine light. He saw the demons spread throughout the earth and cause unspeakable ruins. At the same time he saw the Virgin who told him that in fact the demons were unleashed on the world and that it was time to invoke her as Queen of the Angels, so that she sent her Holy Legions to land the powers of hell.

"My mother," said Abbot Cestac, "you who are so good, you could not
to send your Angels, without being asked? "

"No - answered Mary Most Holy - prayer is a condition placed by God himself for the impetration of graces".

"Well, my good Mother, would you like to teach me how to pray to you?".

And Abbot Cestac received the following prayer to Mary Queen of the Angels:
"Augusta Queen of Heaven and Lady of the Angels, who received from God the power and mission to crush Satan's head, we humbly ask you to send the heavenly Legions, headed by St. Michael the Archangel, so that, under your orders , chasing demons, fighting them everywhere, repressing their audacity and pushing them back into the abyss: "Who is like God?".

O good and tender Mother, You will always be our love and our hope.

O Divine Mother, send the Holy Angels to defend us and to repel the cruel enemy far from us.

Holy Angels and Archangels, defend us, guard us. Amen."