Devotion to the Angels: how to invoke your Guardian Angel and the Archangels

Angels and archangels are divine spiritual beings of love and light; they don't really care about being named. All you really need to do to get help is, ASK! Having said that, humans seem to love names and specificities, and angels know that they make us more faithful. This is why there are names for our Guardian Angels and Archangels (together with specific purposes for Archangels); helps humans build a stronger connection. You never need to name an Angel when you ask for help, it will be up to you; do what he feels for you, always.

Here is some information on which angels ask for help:

Guardian angels: our guardian angels are all helpers and can give us guidance, healing and support for everything we need; Just ask. Each of us has a primary guardian angel who is with us for a lifetime; more Angels can come and go as needed, depending on what is happening in our lives, and you can always ask other Angels to be close to you for help and support. You can ask your Primary Guardian Angel (and others) for their name and they will provide you with information in an intuitive way. The names are often truly unique and will come to you, after asking, in the form of angel signs; so pay attention to the names you hear or see repeatedly after asking for information. Once you know the name, you can use it for communication; or not, it's up to you.

Archangels: below are some common Archangels and their purposes (how they can help us)

Michael: Life Purpose and protection (patron of police officers is St. Michael)
Raffaele: healing of mind, body and spirit (work with healers) and safe travel
Gabriel: creativity, communication and conception of children
Uriel: emotional healing and recall information (great for students and the test exam)
Jophiel: seeing beauty in all things, creating beauty (ideal for decorating)
Haniel: work with lunar cycles (ask for the release of negativity during full moons)
Ariel: helps create prosperity or abundance, animal keeper (helps with pets)
Zadkiel: helps us remember (also excellent for testing)
Azrael: helps with healing from pain
Chamuel: help with love, self-love, romance and find lost items
Raguel: harmony and justice
Raziel: healing from past trauma and pain
Sandalphon: music (ideal for musicians / singers or to learn something musical)
Jeremiel: Helps overcome souls

There are too many Archangels to list them all. There are many resource books if you want to study more about Angels or Archangels. Studying angels is not only fun, it can also have a profoundly positive impact on your life. Working with Angels can help you in multiple ways and you can imagine it. If you feel drawn to this information, keep chasing it and ask your angels to help you find the best people and resources to teach you!