Devotion to the dead: does Purgatory exist?

I. - But does purgatory exist? Of course it exists! Nothing stained enters heaven, but only pure gold! And gold must be put first in the crucible! How, for how long? ... A small or large purification is indispensable. Perhaps not even the saints have escaped it. It is not easy to know more.

II. - Why do you go to purgatory? Or better: what debts are to be paid? For all sins we can obtain forgiveness for the offense, but justice wants reparation for the wrong done. A comparison: if you have broken, even out of spite, a glass, I can forgive you for the offense if you regret it; but the glass repairs it.

III. - Long or intense purgatory can be more or less short, but still suffering, which a substantially righteous life, even if with many spiritual miseries, can alleviate. The greater price was paid by the death of Christ and by the sword of pain that pierced the Heart of the Mother, when we were not yet born! But each of us has to make his contribution, albeit poor, and this since this life. Let us turn to her to make us avoid taking on debts with God and give us the opportunity, the strength to pay those who oppress us. We entrust everything to her so that we can keep it and increase it. It is a consolation for us.
EXAMPLE: S. Simone Stok. - This religious of the Carmelite Order was one day in fervent prayer before the Virgin of Carmel in the church of the convent of Holma of England, and he dared to ask for some singular privilege for his Order. The Virgin then appeared to him and holding out a scapular said to him: «Take, dearest son, this scapular for your Order, as a sign of my protection, privilege to you and to all the Carmelites: who will die with this on will not fall into eternal fire ». From that day the dress of the Virgin of Carmel could be the sign of those who would love salvation: common people, emperors and kings, priests, bishops and popes ...

FIORETTO: Do a good job and offer it to the Madonna for the liberation of a soul from purgatory.

OBSERVATION: Get in the habit of reciting a prayer every evening for the most abandoned souls.

GIACULATORIA: You who are mighty in heaven, fervent pleas for us!

PRAYER: O Mary, you are called the Lady of suffrage. Comfort those souls who are still in pain and liberal. We recommend ours, let me join you on Saturday, as soon as possible after bodily death. We rely on you!