Devotion to the Saints: the thought of Padre Pio today August 16th

9. My children, let us love and say the Hail Mary!

10. You light Jesus, that fire that you came to bring on earth, so that consumed by it you immolate me on the altar of your charity, as a burnt offering of love, because you reign in my heart and in the heart of all, and from all and everywhere raise a single song of praise, of blessing, of thanks to you for the love that you have shown us in the mystery of your birth of divine tenderness.

11. Love Jesus, love him very much, but for this he loves sacrifice more. Love wants to be bitter.

12. Today the Church presents us with the feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary to remind us that we must always pronounce it in every moment of our life, especially in the hour of agony, so that it opens the gates of Heaven for us.

13. The human spirit without the flame of divine love is led to reach the line of beasts, while on the contrary charity, the love of God raises it so high that it reaches the throne of God. Give thanks to the liberality of such a good Father and pray to him that he will increase more and more the holy charity in your heart.

14. You will never complain about the offenses, wherever they are done to you, remembering that Jesus was saturated with oppression by the malice of the men whom he himself had benefited.
You will all apologize to Christian charity, keeping in front of your eyes the example of the divine Master who even excused his crucifixors before his Father.

15. We pray: those who pray a lot save themselves, those who pray little are damned. We love the Madonna. Let's make her love and recite the holy Rosary that she taught us.

16. Always think of Heavenly Mother.

17. Jesus and your soul agree to cultivate the vineyard. It is up to you to remove and transport stones, to tear thorns. To Jesus the task of sowing, planting, cultivating, watering. But even in your work there is the work of Jesus. Without him you can do nothing.

18. To avoid the Pharisaic scandal, we are not required to abstain from good.

19. Remember: the wrongdoer who is ashamed to do evil is closer to God than the honest man who blushes to do good.

20. Time spent on the glory of God and the health of the soul is never badly spent.