Devotion to the Saints: the invocation to San Giuseppe Moscati to receive graces

O Lord, enlighten my mind and strengthen my will, so that I can understand and put into practice your word. Glory to the Father and the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning and now and always through the ages. Amen.

From the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians, chapter 4, verses 4-9:

Always be glad. You belong to the Lord. I repeat, always be happy. They all see your goodness. The Lord is near! Do not worry, but turn to God, ask him what you need and thank him. And the peace of God, which is greater than you can imagine, will keep your hearts and thoughts united with Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, take into consideration all that is true, that which is good, that is just, pure, worthy of being loved and honored; what comes from virtue and is worthy of praise. Put into practice what you have learned, received, heard and seen in me. And God, who gives peace, will be with you.

Points of reflection
1) Whoever is united to the Lord and loves him, sooner or later experiences a great inner joy: it is the joy that comes from God.

2) With God in our hearts we can easily overcome anguish and taste peace, "which is bigger than you can imagine".

3) Filled with the peace of God, we will easily love truth, goodness, justice and all that "comes from virtue and is worthy of praise".

4) S. Giuseppe Moscati, precisely because he was always united to the Lord and loved him, had peace in his heart and could say to himself: "Love the truth, show yourself who you are, and without pretense and without fear and without regard ..." .

O Lord, who have always given joy and peace to your disciples and afflicted hearts, give me serenity of spirit, willpower and light of intelligence. With your help, may he always seek what is good and right and direct my life towards you, infinite truth.

Like S. Giuseppe Moscati, may I find my rest in you. Now, through his intercession, grant me the grace of ..., and then thank you together with him.

You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.