Devotion to the Crucifix: invocation of Mary at the foot of the Cross

Beside the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother's sister, Maria wife of Clopa and Maria di Magdala. John 19:25

This is one of the most widely represented scenes in sacred art over the centuries. It is the image of the Mother of Jesus standing at the foot of the Cross with two other women. St. John, the beloved disciple, was also there with them.

This scene is much more than just an image of the world's salvation. It is more than the Son of God who offers His life for all of us. It is more than the greatest act of sacrificial love ever known in the world. It is much more.

What else does this scene represent? It represents the tenderest love of a human mother as she watches her dear Son, dying of a horrible and agonizing death with the greatest suffering. Yes, Mary is the Mother of God and Jesus is the Son of God. She is the Immaculate Conception, conceived without sin, and she is the second person of the Holy Trinity. But he is also his son and he is also his mother. Therefore, this scene is deeply personal, intimate and familiar.

Try to imagine the emotion and human experience that both the mother and the son have undergone at the moment. Imagine the pain and suffering in the mother's heart as she stared at the brutal treatment of her own Son whom she raised, loved and cared for throughout her life. Jesus was not only the Savior of the world for her. It was his flesh and his blood.

Reflect today on an aspect of this sacred scene. Look at the human bond between this mother and her Son. Temporarily put aside the divinity of the Son and the immaculate nature of the mother. Just look at the human bond they share. She is his mother. He is his son. Think about this link today. As you do this, try to let this glimpse penetrate your heart so you can start feeling the love they shared.

Dearest Mother, you have been at the foot of the Cross of your son. Although he was God, he was your first son. You bored him, you raised him, you took care of him and you loved him for all his human life. So, you stood looking at his injured and beaten body.

Dearest Mother, invite me into this mystery of your love for your Son today. You invite me to be near you like your son. I accept this invitation. The mystery and depth of your love for your Son goes beyond understanding. However, I accept your invitation to join you in this loving gaze.

Precious Lord, Jesus, I see you, look at you and love you. As I begin this journey with you and your dear mother, help me get started on a human level. Help me start seeing all that you and your mother have shared. I accept your deep invitation to enter the mystery of this holy and human love.

Mother Maria, pray for us. Jesus I believe in you.