Devotion to the most chaste heart of St. Joseph

The devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and the devotion to the Three Hearts united were born from the depths of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. These devotions come to heal wounded and exhausted humanity so that it opens up to the grace of God.
God chose the state of the Amazon - Brazil to reveal the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph to the Church and to all humanity because Saint Joseph, from his throne, asked that there be granted the grace that his name was well known and loved and from there the devotion to his Most Chaste Heart is radiated throughout the world as never happened in history.
Saint Joseph: “The Lord wanted to make my name and my most chaste heart known and loved on the day of his birth, because it was on that very day that I contemplated it for the first time and my heart exulted great joy. At that moment my heart was flooded with the grace of the Almighty who inflamed him with his Divine Love ”.
Through devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, many souls will be saved from the hands of the devil and we will see great miracles happen in many families and many will rise from a life of sin by the grace of God.

Edson Glauber, through his writings, helps us to understand what are the ways to honor the Heart of Saint Joseph: Image of the Most Chaste Heart, Feast of the Most Chaste Heart, Rosary of Saint Joseph of the 7 sorrows and joys, Scapular of Saint Joseph, diffusion of devotion accompanied by works of charity and first Wednesdays of the month dedicated to Saint Joseph.