Devotion to the name of Mary: effective prayer to receive graces

The seguennovenanomemaria.jpgte novena is prayed whole for nine consecutive days, from 2 to 11 September, or every time you want to honor the most holy name of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

My most holy mother, Maria! Name of heaven, name chosen by God for his mother, name to which God entrusted every human creature from the height of his cross, name that rejoices the angelic hosts, which terrifies the prince of evil by forcing him to flee, a very high name worthy of veneration and human gratitude! Maria, you are 'loved by God'.

Blessed be you, holy Mary, for the love with which you forged Jesus in your immaculate heart, be blessed for all the love you have for the children that God has given you, be blessed for the beauty and purity of your soul that gives God that joy that we took away from us with sin! Praised be the name of exalted holiness, the name of the vessel of virtue, the name perfumed of humility, the name of health, the mirror of paternal tenderness. Be you loved and thanked by every man and that your Name of love and peace may return to reign on all lips by means of the holy Rosary!

Holy Mary, you are my mother and I welcome you today and forever giving myself entirely to you, without reserve; in your name I want to be blessed, protected, recommended, loved, spurred on, enlightened; in yours I want to find my rest. Mary, beautiful and so perfect name because that's how she wanted to call you Jesus!

3 Ave Maria

Most holy name of Mary, praise, honor and thanks to you through which men find the door of heaven!

Maria, beautiful name.

Maria, name that bears love.

Maria, name of the Good News.

Maria, name that is wind of Paradise.

Maria, name treasure of all virtues.

Maria, a treasure chest blessed with humility and purity.

Maria, a name that makes children 's hearts rejoice.

Maria, name that is door of hope.

Maria, name that is comfort for those who suffer.

Maria, name that smells of tenderness.

Maria, name that brings light to minds.

Maria, the name that guides you to the safe harbor.

Maria, name that is rock of justice.

Maria, name whose sound is harmony and perfection.

Mary, the name that has the name of God in its bosom.

Maria, name that is a refuge for shepherds.

Maria, name pronounced by true scholars.

Maria, name that destroys the lie.

Maria, name that indicates the order.

Maria, name that echoes of peace.

Maria, name that teaches wisdom.

Maria, a name that contains every sweetness.

Mary, yours is the most holy name of the mother, mother of God, mother of humanity, mother of the Church.

3 Ave Maria

Most holy name of Mary, praise, honor and thanks to you through which men find the door of heaven!

Mary, beloved daughter of the Father.

Mary, immaculate and sinless creature.

Mary, chosen by the love of the most holy Trinity to renew the whole of humanity.

Mary, home and refuge of divine love.

Maria, humble in heart.

Mary, short story Eva.

Mary, from whose virginal womb God wanted to make himself his home.

Mary, announced by the angel who brought you the greeting of Christ.

Mary, from whose fiat the salvation of mankind began.

Mary, whose virtues are the scents of Paradise.

Maria, in whose name the people pray.

Mary, first and perfect disciple of Jesus.

Mary, mother of the Son of the eternal God.

Mary, mirror of divine goodness and sweetness.

Mary, safe door of heaven.

Maria, whose name makes demons tremble.

Maria, who meditated all in your heart.

Mary, transfixed in the heart by all the sin of the world.

Mary, tearful under the cross.

Maria, whose name on the lips sweetens the pain.

Mary, whose name is the infinite joy of Jesus.

Mary, lawyer, mediator and omnipotent supplicant

air, whose prayer gets everything from God.

Mary, splendor of divine grace.

Mary, bride of the Holy Spirit.

Mary, to whom all heaven sings and which no praise can describe.

Maria, who under the cross absolve mankind by adopting it for eternity.

Maria, shining star that no light equals.

Mary, perfect and most holy because she is the living of God.

Mary, that you made prayer the ladder to heaven.

Mary, who refused any sin for the love of her God and your Bridegroom.

Maria, who humble the dragon by crushing its head forever.

Mary, who prefers the little ones and the humble ones.

Mary, who constantly asks for the daily Rosary.

Maria, whose tears give bitter pain to those who love you.

Mary, whose tenderness raised Christ.

Mary, that you kissed the most holy wounds of your Son.

Maria, who never lost hope.

Mary, co-shareholder of the world.

Mary, mother of every man and queen of peace.

Maria, pure name and worthy of praise.

Maria, pray for us and for the whole world.

3 Ave Maria

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