Devotion to the Father: God's message today August 2

I am your God, immense love and eternal glory. I'm here to tell you that you don't have to worry about anything but I take care of all your needs. I am who I am, the almighty and nothing is impossible for me. What are you worried about? You think the world is going against you, that things are not going as you want, but you don't have to worry about anything, I am the one who takes care of you.

Sometimes I allow you to live in pain. But pain makes you grow in faith and in life. Only in pain do you turn to me and ask me to help you with problems. But I fully think of you. I always think of you, I love you and I am close to you, I provide for you in all your needs.

I'm always with you. I see your life, everything you do, your sins, your weaknesses, your work, your family and always in all circumstances I provide for you.

Even if you don't notice it but I am in all situations of your life. I am always present and I intervene to give you everything you need. Do not fear my son, my love, my creature, I always provide for you and I am always close to you.

My son Jesus also spoke of my providence. He clearly told you not to think about what you will eat, drink or how you will dress but first of all dedicate yourself to the kingdom of God. Instead you are very worried about your life. You think things are not going well, you are afraid, afraid and you feel me far away. You ask me for help and you think I don't listen to you. But I am always with you, I continually think of you and take care of all your needs.

You do not believe me? Do you think I'm a distant God? How many times have I helped you and you haven't even noticed? I always help you, even when you do an action that comes to you I am the one who inspires you to do it even if you think you do everything yourself. It is I who make you think holy, beautiful, healthy thoughts, which lead you to do excellent things in your life.

Many times you feel lonely. But don't worry, I'm with you even in solitude. When you see that everything comes against you, you feel alone, you are afraid and you see shadow in front of you, think of me immediately and you will see that peace will return to you, I am true peace. I always provide for you. And when you see that I don't answer your prayers right away, don't be afraid. You know before that you receive the sighed thanks you have to make a path of life that makes you grow and brings you to me with all my heart.

I always take care of you. You must be sure. I am your God, your father ready to assist always. You don't see that my son Jesus in his earthly life did not think about material things but tried to spread only my word, my thought. I gave him everything he needed, his only purpose was to carry out the mission I had entrusted to him. You do this too. Know my will in your life and try to complete the mission that I have entrusted to you then I will provide all your needs.

I always take care of you. I am your father. My son Jesus was very clear and said “if a son asks a father for bread, can he ever give him a stone? So if you who are bad give good things to your children, all the more the heavenly father will do for each of you ”. I can only give good things to each of you. You are all my children, I am your creator and I who am almighty love can only give love and good things to each of you.

I will take care of you. You must be sure of it. You must have no doubts and no fears. I provide you my creature, my love. If I didn't take care of you, what would your condition be? In fact, I never want to think you can do nothing without me but I am in charge of you in all your needs. You must be sure, I will take care of you.