Devotion to the Father: God's message today August 3

I am your God, immense love, mercy, peace and infinite omnipotence. I'm here to tell you that you don't have to despair. You must hope against all hope. Are there many evils that afflict you? Do you fear for your economic condition? Is your health precarious? Don't be afraid I am with you, I am your father and I want your life to be wonderful. I stand beside you and assist you. My son Jesus became clear when he said "not even a sparrow is forgotten before God". I am with you and I want your release, your recovery, I want you to live your life in full.

I want you to take the first step towards me. You can't expect me to do everything for you if you don't move a finger in your life, if you don't pray to me. I am an almighty God and I can do everything but I want you to collaborate in my project of life and salvation that I have for you. Follow my inspirations, do everything you can, observe my commands and I will do everything for you, I help you, I do miracles in your life.

Many say "the wicked one even if he is against God accumulates riches". But you don't have to think like that. Even if the wicked one does not follow my commands, he is my son and I await his return to me. I bless all my children. But unfortunately in this world what my son Jesus said "the children of this world are more cunning than the children of light" happens. Follow me who am your father and I will not abandon you, I am always close to you and I love you with immense and merciful love.

Hope against all hope. Hope is the virtue of the strong, color who are not afraid and do not fear evil but believe in me and love me. They trust me, they pray to me, they invoke me, they know that I do not abandon anyone and they seek me with all my heart. How I hurt those children who lose all hope. There are men who go crazy in the face of despair, commit suicide, but you don't have to do this. Often even if in life you only see despair I can intervene every moment and change your entire existence.

Never despair. Always seek hope. Hope is a gift that comes from me. If you live far from me you can't hope but you get lost in your reasoning and you can't go on, you can't do anything anymore. Do not be afraid, you must believe in me that I am a good father, rich in mercy and ready to intervene in your life and support you. You have to look for me, I am close to you, inside you, in your heart. I cover you with my shadow.

Hope against all hope. Even the fathers of faith, my favorite souls and my own son Jesus experienced moments of difficulty, but I intervened, certainly in my established times but nevertheless I never left them. So I do with you too. If you see that you pray to me and I do not grant you the reason that you are not ready to receive the longed for grace. I who am almighty and know everything about you know when you are ready to receive what you ask for. And if sometimes I make you wait, it's also to prove your faith. My beloved souls must be tried in faith as the apostle said "your faith will be tested like gold in the crucible". I feel your faith and I want to find you perfect towards me.

You always hope. Always hope in your God, in your heavenly father. In this life you have to make many experiences, even of pain, in order to understand the true meaning of life itself. Life does not take place I am in this world, but when your body ends then you will come to me and I want to find you perfect in love, I want to find you perfect in faith.

In this life you hope against all hope. Even in the darkest moments never lose hope. I am always beside you and when you least expect it, at the appointed time, I will intervene and do everything for you, my beloved creature.