Devotion to the Sacred Heart in June: day 13

13nd June

Our Father, who art in heaven, may your name be sanctified, your kingdom come, your will be done, as in heaven as on earth. Give us our daily bread today, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Invocation. - Heart of Jesus, victim of sinners, have mercy on us!

Intention. - Repair the sins of your family.


Fortunate that family of Bethany, who had the honor of hosting Jesus! Its members, Martha, Mary and Lazarus, were sanctified by the presence, talks and blessings of the Son of God.

If the fate of hosting Jesus personally cannot occur, at least let him reign in the family, solemnly consecrating it to his Divine Heart.

By consecrating the family, having to perpetually expose the image of the Sacred Heart, the promise made to Saint Margaret is fulfilled: I will bless the places where the image of my Heart will be exposed and honored. -

The consecration of the family to the Heart of Jesus is so recommended by the Supreme Pontiffs, for the spiritual fruits it brings:

blessing in business, comfort in the pains of life and merciful assistance at the point of death.

Consecration is done like this:

You choose a day, possibly a holiday, or the first Friday of the month. On that day all the members of the family make Holy Communion; however, if some travati did not want to communicate, the Consecration could take place equally.

Relatives are invited to attend the sacred service; it is good that some Priests are invited, although this is not necessary.

The members of the family, prostrated before an image of the Sacred Heart, specially prepared and adorned, pronounce the formula of the Consecration, which can be found in certain booklets of devotion.

It is praiseworthy to close the service with a small family celebration, to better remember the day of the Consecration.

It is recommended that the act of Consecration be renewed on the main holidays, or at least on the anniversary day.

Newlyweds are strongly recommended to make the solemn consecration on their wedding day, so that Jesus generously bless the new family.

On Friday, do not miss the small light or the bunch of flowers in front of the image of the Sacred Heart. This act of respect is pleasing to Jesus and is a good reminder to family members.

In particular needs parents and children resort to the Sacred Heart and pray with faith before his image.

The room, where Jesus has his place of honor, is considered to be a small temple.

It is good to write a script at the base of the image of the Sacred Heart, to repeat it every time you pass in front of it.

It could be: «Heart of Jesus, bless this family! »

The consecrated family should not forget that domestic life must be sanctified by all members, first by parents and then by children. Exactly observe the Commandments of God, abhorring from blasphemy and scandalous talk and taking an interest in the true religious education of the little ones.

The exposed image of the Sacred Heart would be of little benefit to the family if sin or religious indifference reigned at home.

A framework

The author of this booklet tells a personal fact:

In the summer of 1936, being in the family for a few days, I urged a relative to perform the act of consecration.

For the short time, it was not possible to prepare a convenient picture of the Sacred Heart and, to perform the function, a beautiful tapestry was used.

Those interested in the morning approached Holy Communion and at nine o'clock they gathered for the solemn act. My mom was also present.

In short and stole I read the formula of Consecration; in the end, I gave a religious speech, explaining the meaning of the function. So I concluded: The image of the Sacred Heart must have pride of place in this room. The tapestry that you have placed momentarily must be framed and attached to the central wall; in this way whoever enters this room immediately sets his gaze on Jesus. -

The daughters of the consecrated family were discordant on the place to choose and almost quarreled. At that moment a curious event occurred. There were several paintings on the walls; on the central wall stood a painting of Sant'Anna, which had not been removed for years. Although this was high enough, well secured to the wall with a large nail and a strong lace, it melted on its own and jumped. It should have shattered on the ground; instead he went to rest on a bed, quite far from the wall.

Those present, including the speaker, quivered and, considering the circumstances, said: This fact does not seem natural! - Actually that was the most suitable place to enthrone Jesus, and Jesus himself chose it.

Mom said to me on that occasion: So did Jesus assist and follow our service?

Yes, the Sacred Heart, when making a Consecration, is present and blesses! -

Foil. Often send your Guardian Angel to pay homage to the Blessed Sacrament.

Ejaculation. My little angel, go to Mary And say that you greet Jesus on my part!