Devotion to the Sacred Heart in June: day 9

9nd June

Our Father, who art in heaven, may your name be sanctified, your kingdom come, your will be done, as in heaven as on earth. Give us our daily bread today, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Invocation. - Heart of Jesus, victim of sinners, have mercy on us!

Intention. - Pray for Masters enrolled.


We considered the meaning of the emblems of the Sacred Heart. It is now convenient to expose the various practices, which concern devotion to the Heart of Jesus, starting from the first Friday of the month.

We repeat the words that Jesus addressed to Santa Margherita:

«In the excess of the mercy of my infinite love, I will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday of each month, for nine consecutive months, the grace of the final repentance, so that they will not die in my misfortune, nor without receiving the Saints Sacraments, and my Heart in that extreme hour will be their safest refuge ».

These solemn words of Jesus have remained carved in the history of the Church and are synonymous with the Great Promise.

And indeed, what greater promise than eternal security? The practice of the nine First Fridays is rightly called the "Paradise Card".

Why did Jesus ask for Holy Communion among the good works? Because this makes it a great repair and everyone, if desired, can communicate.

He chose Friday, so that souls make him the delicate act of reparation on the day he remembers his death on the Cross.

In order to deserve the Great Promise, the conditions desired by the Sacred Heart must be implemented:

1st Communicate on the first Friday of the month. Those who, due to forgetfulness or impossibility, want to make up for another day, for example Sunday, do not satisfy this condition.

2 ° Communicate for nine consecutive months, ie without any interruption, voluntary or not.

3 ° The third condition, which is not expressly said, but which is logically reduced, is: that Holy Communion is received well.

This condition needs elucidation, because it is very important and because it is overlooked by many.

Communicating well means being in God's grace when Jesus is received. Ordinarily many, before communicating, resort to the Sacrament of Confession, to receive the absolution of mortal sins. If one does not confess properly, one does not obtain forgiveness of sins; Confession remains null or sacrilegious and Friday Communion does not have its effect, because it is badly done.

Who knows how many people believe they deserve the Great Promise and in fact will not achieve it, precisely because of the poorly made confession!

Those who, aware of a serious sin, voluntarily keep silent or hide in Confession, out of shame or for other reasons, confess badly; who has the will to return to committing a mortal sin, such as, for example, the intention not to accept the children that God wanted to send into married life.

He confesses badly, and therefore does not deserve the Great Promise, who does not have the will to escape the next serious occasions of sin; in this danger are those who, while practicing the nine First Fridays, do not want to end a truly dangerous friendship, do not want to give up immoral shows, certain scandalous modern dances or pornographic readings.

Unfortunately, how many confess badly, using the Sacrament of Penance as the only temporary discharge of sins, without real amendment!

Devotees of the Sacred Heart are recommended to do the Communions of the First Fridays well, rather to repeat the practice, that is, once one series is over, begin another; take care that all members of the family, at least once in their lives, do the nine Fridays and pray that they do them properly.

Spread this devotion, urging to do it near and far, verbally and in writing, distributing report cards of the Great Promise.

The Sacred Heart blesses and favors those who make themselves apostles of the nine First Fridays.

Goodness of Jesus

A professor was already on his deathbed, already enrolled in Freemasonry for some time. Neither his wife nor others dared to tell him to receive the Holy Sacraments, knowing his hostility to religion. Meanwhile it was very serious; he was with the oxygen cylinder to breathe and the doctor said: Probably tomorrow he will die.

The sister-in-law, devoted to the Sacred Heart, assiduous in the practice of the First Fridays, had an inspiration: to put an image of Jesus in front of the dying man, attached to the large mirror of the wardrobe. The image was graceful and enriched with a particular blessing. What happened was narrated several times by the professor:

- I was very ill that night; I was already thinking about my end. My gaze went to rest on the image of Jesus, who stood before me. That beautiful face came alive; Jesus' eyes fixed on me. What a look! ... Then he spoke to me: You are still in time. Choose: either life or death! - I was confused and I answered: I can't choose !, - Jesus continued: Then I choose: Life! - The image returned to its normal state. - So far the professor.

The next morning he wanted the Confessor and received the Holy Sacraments. He didn't die. After two more years of life, Jesus called the ex-Mason to him.

The fact was narrated to the writer by the sister-in-law herself.

Foil. Recite a Holy Rosary for the conversion of Masonry members.

Ejaculation. Heart of Jesus, ardent furnace of charity, have mercy on us!