Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament


My Jesus - I believe you are in the SS. Sacramento -

I love you above all things - and I desire you in my soul.

- Since I cannot receive you sacramentally now, -

come at least spiritually into my heart.

- As already came: - I embrace you - and I am unique to you;

do not allow me to separate you from you.

(60-day indulgence).


May the most holy and divine sacrament be praised and thanked every moment.

Glory…. (for three times)

I believe you, I adore you, I love you, my Jesus, in the most celebrated Sacrament of the Altar,

Deh! come to this poor and miserable heart of mine.

As already happened, I embrace you, I hold you,

and please don't leave me anymore.

Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised.


O Word annihilated in the Incarnation, more annihilated still in the Eucharist,

we adore you under the veils that hide your divinity

and your humanity in adorable Sacramento.

In this state therefore your love has reduced you!

Perpetual sacrifice, victim continuously immolated for us,

Host of praise, thanksgiving, propitiation!

Jesus our mediator, faithful companion, sweet friend,

charitable doctor, tender comforter, live bread from heaven,

food of souls. You are everything for your children!

To a lot of love, however, many correspond only with blasphemy

and with the profanations; many with indifference and lukewarmness,

very few with gratitude and love.

Forgive, O Jesus, for those who insult you!

Forgiveness for the multitude of indifferent and ungrateful!

They also forgive for inconstancy, imperfection,

the weakness of those who love you!

Like their love, though languid, and light it more every day;

enlighten the souls who do not know you and soften the hardness of hearts

who resist you. Make yourselves loved on earth, O hidden God;

let yourselves be seen and possessed in Heaven! Amen.


S.Alfonso M. de 'Liguori

My Lord Jesus Christ, who for the love you bring to men, you are staying night and day in this Sacrament all full of pity and love, waiting, calling and welcoming all those who come to visit you, I believe you present in the Sacrament Altar.
I adore you in the abyss of my nothingness, and I thank you for how many graces you have given me; especially to have given me yourself in this sacrament, and to have given me your most holy Mother Mary as a lawyer and to have called me to visit you in this church.
Today I greet your most beloved Heart and intend to greet him for three purposes: first, in thanksgiving for this great gift; secondly, to compensate you for all the insults which you have received from all your enemies in this Sacrament: thirdly, I intend with this visit to adore you in all places on earth, where you have been sacramentally revered and less abandoned.
My Jesus, I love you with all my heart. I regret having disgusted your infinite goodness many times in the past. With your grace I propose not to offend you any more for the future: and in the present, miserable as I am, I consecrate myself completely to you: I give you and renounce all my will, affections, desires and all my things.
From today on, do everything you like with me and my things. I only ask you and want your holy love, final perseverance and perfect fulfillment of your will.
I recommend to you the souls of Purgatory, especially the most devoted ones of the Blessed Sacrament and of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I still recommend all the poor sinners to you.
Finally, my dear Salvator, I unite all my affections with the affections of your most loving Heart and thus united I offer them to your Eternal Father, and I pray him in your name, that for your love accept them and grant them. So be it.

Love to the SS. Sacramento in the


Messenger of the Eucharist

Alexandrina Maria da Costa, Salesian cooperator, was born in Balasar, Portugal, on 30-03-1904. From the age of 20 she lived paralyzed in bed due to myelitis in the spine, following a jump made 14 years from the home window to save her purity from three ill-intentioned men.

Tabernacles and sinners are the mission that Jesus entrusted to her in 1934 and which is delivered to us in the very numerous and rich pages of his diary.

In 1935 she was the spokesman for Jesus for the request for the Consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which will be solemnly carried out by Pius XII in 1942.

On October 13, 1955 Alexandrina's transition from earthly life to that of Heaven will take place.

Through Alexandrina Jesus asks that:

"... devotion to the Tabernacles be well preached and well propagated, because for days and days the souls do not visit Me, do not love Me, do not repair ... They do not believe that I live there.

I want devotion to these prisons of love to be kindled in souls ... There are many who, although entering the Churches, do not even greet Me and do not pause for a moment to worship Me.

I would like many faithful guards, prostrate before the Tabernacles, so as not to let so many and many crimes happen to you ”(1934)

During the last 13 years of life, Alexandrina lived only on the Eucharist, without feeding herself any more. It is the last mission that Jesus entrusts to her:

"... I make you live only of Me, to prove to the world what the Eucharist is worth, and what is my life in souls: light and salvation for humanity" (1954)

A few months before she died, Our Lady said to her:

"... Speak to souls! Talk about the Eucharist! Tell them about the Rosary! May they feed on the flesh of Christ, prayer and My Rosary every day! " (1955).


“My daughter, make me loved, consoled and repaired in my Eucharist.

Say in my name that to those who will do Holy Communion well, with sincere humility, fervor and love for the first 6 consecutive Thursdays and they will spend an hour of adoration in front of My Tabernacle in intimate union with Me, I promise heaven.

Say that they honor My Holy Wounds through the Eucharist, first honoring that of My sacred shoulder, so little remembered.

Whoever will join the memory of the sorrows of My blessed Mother and ask them for spiritual or corporal graces for the remembrance of My Wounds, has My promise that they will be granted, unless they are of harm to their soul.

At the moment of their death I will lead My Most Holy Mother with Me to defend them. " (25-02-1949)

”Speak of the Eucharist, proof of infinite Love: it is the food of souls.

Tell the souls who love Me, who live united to Me during their work; in their homes, both day and night, they often kneel in spirit, and with bowed heads say:

Jesus, I adore you everywhere

where you live Sacramentato;

I keep you company for those who despise you,

I love you for those who don't love you,

I give you relief for those who offend you.

Jesus, come to my heart!

These moments will be of great joy and consolation for Me.

What crimes are committed against Me in the Eucharist! "