Devotion to the Lord for redemption!

Devotion to the Lord for redemption: Father God, I kneel before You knowing that I have sinned against You in so many different ways. In what I have said and done, as well as in the dirty thoughts that flood my mind. I know I am a sinner and as such, I was the cause of the Lord Jesus who was crucifix on the cruel cross to take the punishment I rightly deserve. Lord, I know that I am not worthy to come before You, but I ask Your forgiveness of all my sins. For the love of Your Son, Jesus Christ who died for me at Calvary.

Wash me, please, in the cleansing blood of Jesus. Cleanse me of all my sins. Fill my heart with righteous thoughts and pure desires, for I no longer want to wallow in the sewer of sin that has separated me from You for so long. Thank you, Lord, that you have promised that all who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior will have their sins forgiven forever. Praise to you Lord, by your grace and mercy on me, a sinner saved by grace. In the name of Jesus I pray,

Father, the weight of my sins weigh heavily on my conscience and I know there is no justice in me. I come to you asking for your great mercy and repent of all the many sins I have committed against you in such a serious way. Lord, I confess that in my pride and arrogance I even joked about your existence and cursed you with words and deeds. Yet I discover that you have sent your only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ as the only acceptable sacrifice that could pay the price for my sins.

Lord, I kneel before you with a broken heart for the wrong I have done against you and I implore your grace on a merciful sinner. Who came to confess that Jesus Christ it's the Lord and that's mine Savior e Redeemer . Wash away all my sins, please, and cleanse both my mouth and my thoughts of dirt. I hope you enjoyed this devotion to the Lord for redemption.